Dating Lucifer would include...

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1. Lucifer would be super protective of you. He would never let anything hurt you.

2. He isn't shy when it comes to killing people. If someone insults you or even looks at you the wrong way their head explodes off. 

3. Being lucifer's girlfriend has it's perks. As the Queen of hell, no one dares to mess with you.

4. His favorite thing about you is your short temper. It's a huge turn-on for him.

5. After a rough day he will seek you out. Most of the time you end up giving him a massage. After that he holds you in his arms.

6. He considers you to be his equal. 

7. Although he seems all rough and tough, he has a soft spot just for you.

8. He's constantly giving you gifts. Once he gave you the head of your cheating ex- boyfriend. That was an interesting time...

9. His worst fear is losing you. Whether that is you dying or leaving him for someone else.  

10. He always takes you to travel all over the world.

11. Many people wouldn't think it, but every second of eternity he tells you he loves you. When no one is around that is.

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