Dating Sam would include...

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Wow first off I just wanted to say thank you. These are doing so well. please feel free to message me if you have any ideas or you want a personal request. I think this is my 7th update today lol.


1. Him constantly teasing you about your height. But hey! there's not much you can do.

2. Sam always grabs stuff from the top shelf for you.

3. Everyone thinks that sleeping in the same bed would be difficult, but it's not. I mean, yes he is a rather large moose of a man, but he still fits in a dam bed.

4. Most of the time when you two are sleeping he will spoon you. Or you lay on top of him. There's no way in hell you would ever be able to spoon him because you can barely fit your arms around him.

5. His hugs are the best. it's like being wrapped up warm plaid covered blanket.

6. Sometimes you like to sleep alone so you have your own room. But in the winter if it is too cold, you go to Sam's room and cuddle up next to him. No matter what temperature it is, he is always warm. He's like a portable heater.

7. If you can't fall asleep at night, he will read you a book.

8. Much like the other guys Sam is very protective of you and gets jealous very easily, even though he doesn't like to admit it.

9. Sam rarely lets you go on hunts. As capable as you are, he does not want to see you get hurt. you always stay back at the bunker and do research. If they need help, they just call Castiel. 

10.  He won't admit it but he loves when you play with his hair.

11. Every morning when you wake up he will take five minuets to make a speech proclaiming his love and loyalty to you.  

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