Imagine Dean proposing

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Ok so this was a request by @MRS_A_Lee . I hope you like it.

WARNING: cursing

I decided to make this one a bit comedic.  


It was the middle of the night. Dean decided it would be a good idea to go out for a drive. now, you needed your sleep. But he claimed he wanted to, "go gaze at the stars," and "they could never compare to your beauty." So much for chick-flick moments. You didn't even care at this point. You just wanted to go back to bed. 

"Hurry up [y/n]!" Dean rolled out of bed to put pants and a shirt on. 

"Fuck you Dean." He gasped lightly and held a hand over his heart. A light smile graced his lips.

"And here I though you loved me!" He offered you a hand out of bed which you gladly accepted.

"I do love you Dean, but if you wake me up again I will punch you."

"Noted. Now come on. Let's go." After you both were ready you snuck out, being carful to not wake the sleeping moose.


"Dean where are we going? we've already been in the car for twenty minutes!"

"Were almost there [y/n]." You sighed heavily. knowing you weren't going to get anything out of him.

Not long after you pulled up to a cliff side. Once baby's engine shut off you stepped out the car. Dean made his way over to the back door and grabbed what looked like a blanket and a basket.

"Oh so you decided to have a picnic at one o'clock in the morning? Really Dean?" He just ignored you and your oh so pretty bitch face.

He had just finished setting up the blanket when he handed you the basket. "Here, food."

Once you heard the word "food" you ripped the basket out of his hand and turned to go sit. "All is forgiven." He chuckled softly and joined you on the fuzzy blanket. He laid on his back and wrapped a strong arm your shoulder, enjoying each others presence. You looked up towards the stars. It didn't take long for you to notice his staring at you, so you moved onto your side facing him. You smiled.

He stared into your eyes with so much love as he brought a hand up to your face to caress it. 

"God you're beautiful." He breathed out. "I love you so much. I would go to Hell all over again if it meant you got to live another day. No matter what happens, I will always find my way back to you. Don't you ever forget that."

Before you could respond he stood up, pulling you along with him. You looked at him curiously as he reached into his pocket. Realization hit you in the face as fast as Squidward could dab. 

He got down one knee and opened the small velvet box. Inside of it revealed a gorgeous silver diamond ring with an emerald sitting in the center. 

"[y/n], you know I'm not one for sappy speeches, but these last few years have been the best of my life, and I never thought I would fall in love, hell I didn't think I deserved love, let alone yours. And I know the hunting life isn't the greatest, but, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears streamed down you face as you nodded. "Yes, Dean. The answer is yes!" 

You both laughed as he picked you up and spun you around. Once he set you down he slipped the ring on your finger.

"I love you so much Dean. " He smiled down at you. "I love you too." 

For the first time in his life he was happy because he had you. He was complete.


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