Sleeping Preferences

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Dean always sleeps on his back, you have your head on his bare chest and your arm lazily draped over his waist.

Sam sleeps on his side as do you. You use his right arm as a pillow, and his other arm is wrapped around your waist in a protective hold. He loves to feel your back up against his chest.

Cas does not need sleep. But whenever you need rest, he will cuddle with you until you fall asleep. You usually have your head on his shoulder, and his arms are wrapped around you.

You have a secret relationship with Kevin that the boys don't know about. Whenever the boys are on a hunt, you and Kevin will cuddle all you can. You are always snuggled up to his shoulder so he can rest his chin on your head.

If the boys ever found out you were dating the tricksterArchangel, they would probably lock you up in the dungeon. Whenever the boys were out on a hunt, Gabriel would always visit you and you would snuggle up to his chest and watch movies and eat tons of candy.

It surprised you when the boys said they couldn't care less about you dating Balthazar, when he visits you, The day and night is filled with hugs cuddles and kisses.
(And maybe some other stuff, eh?
*Cough cough* (nudge, nudge!) (hehehehhahahah)

Even if it comes to fluffy cuddles and kisses, Crowly has to have his way. (If ya know what I mean!)

Surprisingly, the boys have yet to find out about you dating Lucifer, you are in a pretty serious relationship and he would always come at night and hug you, and tell you how beautiful you are.

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