Dating Dean Winchester would include...

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1. That man is SUPER protective of you. Like, anywhere you to go he always has to have a arm around you.

2. He would die for you. No doubt about that.

3. You must always  get him pie. Enough said.

4.  He loves taking you on long car rides. 

5. If you have a free couple of days you tend to drink together and watch Scooby-doo.

6. You always steal his shirts. He loves how you look in them.

7. He also loves when he comes home from a hunt and your rockin' out to his music.

8. Castiel says Dean's an angry sleeper. And yes it's true, but when he is with you, he's the most calm you've ever seen him.

9. You get the privilege of waking up to Dean pressing feather light kisses to you back, neck, and shoulders. 

10. Even though you two have been together for a while, he still feels like he doesn't deserve you.

11. He let's you drive Baby. And he even said he loves you more then Baby.

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