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Warm. That's how you felt. Just, really, really warm. you slowly opened your eyes. the room was dark. you looked at you alarm clock. 1:24 am. you sighed. you moved the covers out of your way. just enough to where the cold air was hitting your bare skin. (A/N And no! Your were not naked!)

When Your tried to move, you could not. Suddenly you noticed a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. You turned around to se your boyfriend of 3 years smiling at you.

"Going somewhere hot stuff?" Lucifer said as he roughly pulled you back to bed. 

"Just to get some water."

"You, my dear, are a very bad liar."

"I know." your voice was a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear.

You two sat there in silence. Just, looking at each other.

"You are truly beautiful." Lucifer spoke.

"I never thought I would be in love with the devil himself."

"And I never thought I could love someone. A human, who excepts me for who and what I am. I have killed so many innocent people, yet, I could never bring myself to harm you. Never."

"I love you Lucifer. and I will never stop loving you."

"I love you too, my love. Forever and always."

Lucifer kissed you head as you fell into a deep sleep once again.  

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