Demon Dean x reader

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You looked in the mirror. Tears staining your face. How could this happen? The love of your like trying to kill you? Just yesterday you two were madly in love.

Now, Dean wants nothing more than to see the life sucked out of you as he strangles you.
Just the thought gave you a headache. You looked back up into the mirror, only to notice the figure standing behind you. Quickly, you turned around and came face to face with the black eyed monster.

You couldn't move at all. You were frozen in place from fear. Deans hand caressed the side of your face. He gave you a smile, love and joy lighting up his now green eyes. Suddenly, Dean kissed you. And you smiled back. And that was it, Sam had cured Dean.

Dean brought his mouth up to your ear and whispered,

Pain shot through your body, you looked down at you stomach. The handle of the first blade sticking out of it. With the last bit of life you had, you looked up at the man. You took one last breath. "Why?" As you eyes started to close, you felt warm breath on you neck.
"Because I love you."

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