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Melajah POV

Empty. Everything is gone. All her clothes all our memories is gone. It's been 2 Months I thought that she'd be back by now and that everything would be a dream. But it's reality and it sucks because reality is, she's gone and she's never coming back. After that night she never talked to me again, I called her everyday since then hoping that she would just pick up.

But she hasn't and she won't. After getting the voicemail from Dinah and Normani I was confused more than ever. I called Ally; the only reasonable one, she told me about the video.


"Melajah, a part of me knows you didn't do it. You couldn't have but your looking at the camera" Ally whispers through the phone. I tried calling Lauren multiple times but she didn't answer, I called again and she texted me "call me again and I'll have you arrested for harassment".

But I know Lauren, I stopped for awhile but I took my chances and called back once more. I just had to hear her voice...I just had to explain to her. I called the rest of the girls but the only one who answered was Ally, she was the nicest so I knew she would hear me out "It wasn't me Ally I swear" I tell the girl.

"Please don't swear" she pauses "I want to believe you but Lauren is crying right now" she clears her throat "I have to go" and with that she hung up.

Frustratingly I throw the phone across the room watching the screen crack. I sat down and tugged on my hair slightly.


Currently I'm playing PlayStation with Lauren's little brother Chris. The way we've been talking and playing video games nonstop tells me that Lauren hasn't told her parents we've broken up.

She didn't go public with the breakup and I was quite surprised. I thought she was gonna ruin my image and make me look like even more of a dirtbag.

"Cmon man shape up" Chris yells through the mic, reviving my player that just got hurt by a zombie. We've been playing call of duty black ops for an hour now and not once has he mentioned his sister and a part of me wants him to bring her up, but then again I'm relived.

"He came out of nowhere" I chuckle as I go to the window pressing the square button on the controller so I can rebuild the window and keep the zombies off me for awhile "watch out!" I yell to Chris shooting the 2 zombies coming behind him.

"Oh shoot shoot shoot" I hear something shuffle on the other end and I see Chris's character run across the screen and I laugh "I'm out of ammo!" He yells.

"Go buy a gun" I shrug "I got your back" I tell the boy as his character makes his way to a box and purchases 2 new guns "you good?" I ask Chris as he turns around.

"Swell and dandy." He responds. We go into the elevator and we get mobbed by zombies. Resulting in us both being dead.

"That's your fault" I yawn as we get taken back to the home screen "always blaming me" he rolls his eyes playfully. Chris has become my little brother, we've gotten so close over these weeks I don't know how he's gonna take it when Lauren tells him that it's over between us.

"Spoke to your sister lately?" I cough clearing my throat.

"Yeah we're flying to..." He squints his eyes across the room at the calendar placed neatly below the dresser "Amsterdam to see the girls perform" he smiles "you should come and surprise Lauren".

Something about her (lesbian story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora