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alexandra mellet

"good morning class, we have a new student. want to introduce yourself?" the teacher smiled and took a step to the side, letting everyone see me, I was the spotlight in the classroom for about thirty seconds.

"i'm alex." I smiled nervously. everyone just went back to their work and I made my way to the empty desk at the back. I sat awkwardly as the guys kept looking to check out the new girl to see if she was hot or not. the girls judged my clothes and me in general, I just tried to ignore the stares flowing around the room.

"hey, having a good day." I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I turned to see a guy, he was good looking but he is just looked annoying.

"not really." I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

he used his hand to push my hair away from my face and he whispered to me, "I could make it better."

"could you not." I snapped at him, pulling my hair from his hand.

"come on baby girl, don't play hard to get."

"i'm not playing 'hard to get', I just don't like you." I rolled my eyes.

"you will."

"I doubt that." I sighed picking up my pencil and sketching something in the margin of my book. the bell rang and everyone stood up, grabbing their books and leaving out the door. I stood up slowly and grabbed my thing, making me to be the last to leave.

when I walked through the door I was grabbed and pushed up against the lockers. both my shoulder pushed down by either one of his hands. "don't touch me." I tried fight my way out, but I couldn't.

"i'll let you go if you tell me your name." he smirked.

"didn't you hear, it's alex. can I go now."

"your full name." he raised an eye brow, continuing to smirk. I thought about kicking him in the balls, but I didn't want to get introuble on my first day and everyone would have seen. literally everyone's eyes were glued to us.

"alexandra jayde mellet, you happy?"

"very. i'm grayson, grayson bailey dolan."

"I don't really care, just let me go." I said. he laughed before letting me go, I pushed him away before I walked down the hall and everyone was whispering. I made my way to my locker quickly before the bell went for second period. I made my way to the class and thank god he wasn't in it.


at lunch I got food and sat in the hall against some lockers, no one was there and I liked it alone. that was until the whole football team came down, banging against the lockers. just my luck, grayson was leading the pack. I put my head down, hoping he wouldn't notice me but just my luck again, he did.

"hey alexendra!" grayson yelled. the whole group all walked over, standing in front of me.

"what do you want." I said without lifting my head.

"party tonight at mine, you should come." he said, him and his friends began nudging one another.

I turned my head up and looked at them, "you mean go to the household full of teenagers who are either drinking, smoking or having sex. sure i'll come!" I said in a sarcastic voice making a few of them chuckle.

"we might film a youtube video, it'll be fun."

"i'd rather not have guys grinding on me all night." I rolled my eyes.

"no one would grind on you." grayson laughed.

"you're such a dick." I stood up and walked away.

grayson dolan

I like something about her, she hates me and I love it. the way she talks, she's clearly playing the teasing game with me.

I sat in third period, starring at her. she's so gorgeous, I even got a couple eye rolls from her. she's mad at me, but it's cute.

alexandra mellet

he starred at me all period but I made friends with a few girls, can you guess who they all had a crush on. yep grayson and grayson's twin he apparently had who is 'sick' today.

when the bell rang grayson walked over and knocked the books of my desk. "hey! watch where you are walking!" I shouted.

"I was." he smirked. "three... two...."

"mrs mellet and mr dolan, after school detention for that."

"yes miss." he smiled at her and smirked at me. he bent down and picked up my books and handed me them, "looks like we will be late to my own party." he laughed.

"you're such a jerk, you did that on purpose." I rolled my eyes.


"can you leave me alone, I just want to be alone. can't a girl just get that?" I pushed past him.

"cya this afternoon." he shouted, it was faint. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way into the girls room, into a non vacant stall and texted my mum.


hey, some guy knocked my
books over and I landed
my self an after school detention.
will be home later, sorry x

I met our neighbours and
their sons are having a party
tonight, you going?

they wouldn't have the
last name dolan would

yes, you know them?

I was invited, but I'd
rather not. for a fact the host
is the douche that got me a

okay, well I'm at will's now.
I might be home later than



the bell rang, man that went quick. I made my way to last period and grayson was in my class again. it was a prac in science and he was the one person without a partner. "miss mellet you're late." the teacher informed.

"i'm so sorry, I got lost."

"it's fine just got sit with mr dolan. he's over there." she pointed to him, he had a smirk on his face.

"great." I sighed and took a seat beside him.


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