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alexandra mellet


"what alex, what do you want?" he said, rudely.

"why are you pissed?" I grabbed his wrist, spinning him so he was facing me.

"because I don't know, maybe abbey was right."

"you believe her story about a cat, a rat and a piece of cheese." I spat.

"it's seems like a story that happens, did you listen to it?" he shouted. "maybe you like grayson and i'm just waisting my time on you." he turned and continued walking away.

"I don't fucking like grayson, I like you!" that's the first time I told him, it's been a day but I guess I really did.

he stopped, turning back again. "how am I meant to believe that?" he asked. I walked closer to him, and grabbed his face, kissing him.

ehen I pulled away, his eyes where open and he was shocked. we stood there for a second in silence, "ethan, I like you. trust me I do." I said, taking my hand away.

"I believe you." he smiled, putting him hands on my waist and he pulled me into another kiss.

"get a room!" we turned see grayson laughing. we shook our heads and walked up to him and collected our towels and put our close back on. we placed them all in our bags and made our way down the pier to the fair.

we payed entry and walked in, all the colourful lights on the rides were lit up. "we have to go on that." grayson pointed to a ride that goes upside down and twist very high in the air.

"I don't know gray." ethan said.

"are you scared?" I asked ethan.

"I don't like heights." he mumbled.

"oh, well grayson i'll come with you. if you want." I shrugged my shoulder.

"go get in line, i'll hold your things." ethan smiled and we handed him our stuff before getting in line, which was thankfully really short.

"are you scared?" grayson asked.

"not really." I said.

"so you don't need me to hold your hand." he laughed.

"definitely not." I stared and him, he sighed.

"next." the man said and grayson and I were going to get on. we walked up and grayson and I sat on and the guy checked our seat belts and put the bar over us. I looked at grayson and he honestly looked scared.

"you don't need me to hold your hand do you?" I asked, mocking him from earlier.

"I think I do, i'm terrified." he fake cried, then continued laughing.

"we will be fine." the ride took off and my hair was flying everywhere and grayson and I screamed at the top of our lungs. It went for like around ten minutes and we stood off, both feeling dizzy and I couldn't walk straight.

ethan laughed because my hair was everywhere, I walked over and grabbed my bag telling them to shut up as they both laughed at me. "ethan we can go on something else okay." I smiled.


we walked and got fairy floss and it was almost time for the fire works so ethan and I got onto the ferris wheel, grayson did also, but he got in the cart in front of us. ethan's arm was around me, keeping me warm.

we went around three times, then on the fourth round the ride stopped, we were close to the top and the fireworks began to go off. I could see ethan looking at me in the corner of my eye. his hand hooked under my chin and his thumb, pressed on my bottom lip. turned my head and his eyes were looked on mine, they drifted to my lips and I felt my heart rate speed up.

it felt so cheesy, but he leaned in and our lips smashed together again, lasting about thirty seconds before we both pulled away for air. he took his hand away and locked it with mine, we sat back for the rest of the ride just admiring the view.

when we got of grayson just smirked at us, "saw you two kissing." he whispered, nudging my arm.

"yeah, bet you're jealous." I rolled my eyes and so did he after me.

"sure, think what you wanna think." he laughed and I turned back to ethan.

"let's go win a teddy." I said

"yes, let's go." we walked down and played a basketball one, we sucked. then we played a balloon dart one and we actually won.

"you can pick whatever you want." the man said and ethan looked at me, so I could pick.

"uhhhhhh, that one!" I pointed to a huge, blue fluffy dog.

"here you go." He smiled and me and Ethan walked over to grayson.

we went on a couple more rides before walking home, when we got back to their house grayson and I sat on the couch whilst Ethan had a shower. "so you guys dating now? after I saw you guys eating each other's face on that fairest wheel. I guess it's a yes?" grayson laughed.

oOh shut up, we weren't full on going at it. it was sweet and your just jealous." I repeated myself from earlier.

"why would I be jealous?" he asked.

"cause i'm hot as." I laughed.

he smiled, "yeah I guess." I looked at him and he bit his lip looking at the ground.

"leave it there fuckboy." I laughed, getting of the couch and walking to ethan's room. grayson dolan doesn't like me, grayson dolan doesn't like me. or does he?

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