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alexandra mellet

I couldn't stop thinking about ethan, I am meant to dislike grayson... but here I am, at three am sitting at the beach with him, "it's pretty here." I smiled.

"yeah it is." he smiled back, as the waves crashed against the sand his arm slowly made it way over my shoulder. I shrugged it off, "what's wrong?" he asked.

"I don't want you touching me." I stood up and brushed the sands of my clothes. "can we go home now, i'm tired." I asked.

"you came out to talk, we've barely talked since we left the house."

"I asked you to walk with me." I said, "can we go now?"

"sure, whatever." he stood up and we began walking. we made it to mine and he walked me to my door, "thanks for letting me walk with you, I needed it."

"yeah, me too." I smiled.

"so anyway, I was wondering if maybe I could you know- have your number?" he asked.

"you have it."

"actually you have mine, it just comes up as unknown and I can tell when it's you." he shrugged.

"oh." I grabbed his phone and typed my number into contacts, "goodnight grayson." I said, opening my front door.

"night, alexandra." I shut the door and locked it, I grabbed a bottle of water before turning off the light and sprinting up the stairs.

my lamp was always on so I knew there would be a light, I walked in and shut my door. i'm not even tired, I just told grayson that so we could go. he is a nice guy, but he isn't ethan.

I lied down, I can't fucking stop thinking about ethan.


I woke up to a light beaming through my window, I didn't shut my curtains last night. I pulled the sheet over my eyes and groaned.

"alex!" my mum called. I finally got up and rubbed my eyes, I saw ethan and grayson long boarding in the street.

how is it that he can forgive grayson but not me, grayson is the one who makes the move.

I grabbed my phone, it was only eleven in the morning. I pulled a shirt on over my lace bra and I already had gym shorts on. I tied my hair in a messy pony tail then I went down stairs, mum had left a note, I swear she called my name like a minute ago.

"i'll be home tomorrow, money is inside my draw. order pizza or whatever but I don't want any boys over, no parties. got it. I love you, lock the doors aswell. X -mother"

I scrunched up the note and aimed for the bin, I got it in.

I heard a crash so I looked out my window and saw that Ethan had fallen, Grayson wasn't in sight either. I opened my door and hesitated, "hey uh, ethan are you okay?" I asked, walking down the driveway, he had cut his knee badly.

"it's just a scratch." I spat, taking of his helmet and standing.

"ethan, they aren't scratches. please sit down so I can look at it." I asked.

"I don't want you nursing me in the gutter, i'm fine."

"it's either the gutter or my couch."


"follow me." I walked and he followed inside. "just take a seat on the couch, do you want water or a lemonade?" I asked.

"no thank you, i'm alright." he said, he had his morning voice. fuck.

I walked over to the laundry and grabbed out the first aid kit, I sat it on the floor in front of ethan, the I got on my knees in front of him. grabbing out a disinfectant cloth, "this might sting a little okay." I bit my lip and began dabbing the cotton on his open cut. his teeth were clenched and his arm were tensed up, showing his veins.

"i'll just fix it up with bandage, then you can leave." I turned back to the first aid kit.

"alex, why do you hate me?" he asked, it sounded like had held that sentence in for months.

how could he think I hated him, I poured my fucking heart out to him? but i'm the one who hates him?

"hate you? ethan I could never hate you." I sighed, trying not to look at him.

"grayson told me you hated me and never wanted to see me again, he told me that was just the neighbour to you now."

"so after yesterday at the pizza place, you're gonna believe that? i'd never say that, ever." I said, confused.

"he told me you called me a hoe and you hated me, that you went to a party last night and hooked up with other girls to get over me." I said, hoping he would say it was a lie.

"i'd never call you that, i'd never hate you, the last party I went to was when I met you, the last lips I was touched with was yours." he said.

"did we just get played by grayson?"

"I think so," he clenched his fist. "I could never hate you and i'm sorry about yesterday, I was just pissed off. I wanted to hurt you, but the truth is I fucking love you." he sighed.

"you do?"

"yeah, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. even though we met three weeks ago and this is cheesy, you really are."

I looked at his eyes, that were glued to my lips. making my heart beat faster then ever, "i'm sorry."

"you don't have to be." I said, grabbing his face and kissing him. "I love you." I leaned in again, kissing him.

he pulled away. "Is this what you want? tell me now because I don't want to get hurt again."

I nodded my head, "I do want this." he smiled at my response, leaning down and pushing his lips on mine.


"so, alex... would you like to be my girlfriend?" he smiled.

"yes, I would love to be." I grabbed his face and smashed our lips together again.

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