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alexandra mellet

I lied in bed, staring at the bare ceiling. I really fucked up, like badly. ethan wasnt my boyfriend exactly but he wasn't worth hurting.

I felt tears forming in my tear ducts but I tried not to cry. I heard a car coming up my drive way, mums home.

I walked down, wiping my eyes and opened the door with a smile. "morning."

"good morning sweety, how was your sleepover?" she asked, closing the car door and walking towards me.

"it was goo-" I cracked my voice, please no. I lost my words and tears formed in my eyes, I started crying.

"alex baby, what happened." my mum asked wrapping her arm around me.

"I ruined everything, I kissed grayson and ethan- he- bro- he broke up with me." I cried.

"i'm sure it was a mistake, he will forgive you." she whispered rubbing my back.

"It wasnt a mistake, I could of pulled away. I didnt."

"well go talk to them then, dont cry." she smiled, pulling away from the hug and cupping both my cheeks. she put her thumbs under my eyes to wipe the tears.

"what if he doesn't want to." I sniffled.


I walked past her and over to the dolans household. still in my pjs from last night, probably stained cheeks.

cam opened, "hey is ethan here?"

"he told me to tell you that he isnt." she said.

"please just let me in." I begged.

"let her in." I saw grayson standing behind cam, "if ethan wont talk to her, I will. come in." I walked past cam and followed grayson upstairs.

he went to his room and I went to ethans, knocking lightly. "who is it?" I heard him yell.

"room service." I answered, sarcastically.

"go away alex."

"ethan, let me in." I sighed.

"i'm not unlocking the door."

"you dont need to, I can pick the lock with a tooth pick." grayson said, standing behind me.

"grayson go away." ethan spoke as the door unlocked. I turned looking at grayson who shrugged, he walked away and I opened the door. "what do you want."

I sat on the end of his bed, "look at me, please." I whispered.

"I dont want listen to you."

"well block your ears because im still gonna say it." I sighed. "so grayson kissed me, I kissed back. i'm sorry that I ki-" I said softly.

"just leave alex." he raised his voice, cutting me off.

"i'm not leaving." I said, crossing my arms.

"well then I will." he got up and slammed the door, making me jump.

I felt tears forming again, why am I so fucking soft. I slowly pulled my knees to my chest, curling in a ball. I laid down, making a crevice in the sheeting of his bed, I heard the door open.

the bed beside me sloped downwards, I looked to see grayson towering over me. he put his hand on my back, making me shiver. "don't cry," he whispered, brushing the hair off my face.

"grayson you should leave me alone."

"i'm not leaving, you deserve better then ethan." he spoke, I looked at him. it was different, grayson wasn't grayson. he wasn't annoying, he wasn't horny, he was sweet, he fucking cared.

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