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alexandra mellet

I didn't even make it back to the hannah and abbey before bursting into tears, I looked at them. I can't deal with them right now, I turned back and went to the restroom, going into on of the stalls and put down the toilet lid and sat on it.

I had my hands pushed through my hair, tears at a time coming out from my eyes. I decided to do the worst thing possible, I called grayson.

"alexandra, what's up?" he asked.

"can you pick me up from the pizza place ethan always takes me to?" I asked, trying hard for him to not notice that I'm crying.

"are you crying?" well fuck.

"no, can you pick me up?"

"yeah, I guess so."

"thank you." I hung up, sighing before I stood up. I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror, what a mess. I fixed my hair and left the bathroom, ethan was now sitting with hannah and abbey.

I walked straight past them and out the door. I stood against a pole waiting for grayson, when I saw him I crossed the road and got into his car. "thank you so much." I said, putting my seatbelt on.

instead of driving, he turned the ignition off. "why are you crying?" he turned to me.

"grayson can we please just go, i'm not in the mood." I felt the tears.

"no alex listen to me for once, you're never in the mood and i'm sick of it. just shut up and tell me why!" he yelled.

"why do you even care grayson?" I rolled my eyes.

"because I like you. there, are you happy now?"

"grayson, you don't like me. you're just saying that because-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips on mine. the memorable lips from last night, last fucking night. my hands made my way to the back of his head, tugging on his hair. his hands were on my waist, pulling me closer towards him.

he parted our lips, pulling the lever on his seat so it would slide back and lay down. he grabbed me again, kissing me. he unbuckled my seatbelt, then he lifted my weight onto him, now I was sat on his lap, facing him.

I moved my ass up, I was actually about to go down on him but I pressed against the horn. we both jumped and pulled apart, "fuck, what the fuck." I said, climbing into my own seat.


"I can't do this." I spoke, I pulled my seatbelt back on.

I looked out the window, seeing ethan leaving. "can we just go home." I asked.

"why? you seemed into it."

"grayson please stop, I don't like you." I took a deep breath. "I like ethan."

"alright." he said, starting the ignition.

"can we put some music on?" I asked, because I hated the silence.

"yeah," he said, pushing the aux cord in and passing me the other end. I thanked him, then put my phone on shuffle.

I just stared out the window, how could I mess up so badly, so quickly.


I was in my room and it was dark, I finally got curtains. I was on my phone, scrolling through my feed. I was honestly just waiting for a text that I knew wasn't coming, I sat around till one am and had nothing, not even a little text. so I did something myself.


grayson, is ethan home?


is he okay?

he is better then okay.

oh okay.
wanna walk with me?

driveway in ten?



I grabbed my jacket and told my mum I'm going for a walk with ethan. I don't want to lie, but it's better than saying i'm going for a walk with grayson.

grayson dolan

"I think I should text her, I miss her dude." ethan groaned.

"she is no good for you, just don't and plus she told me she hates your guts and never wants to hear your name again." I lied.

"I think I almost loved her, I was so close to actually falling in love with her." he sighed.

"she's a bitch, she isn't good. go for hannah or abbey."

"they are her best friends, plus I don't want anyone but her."

"you should want everyone but her, get over her." I sighed, grabbing my sweatshirt and phone.

"wait where are you going?" he asked.

"for a walk, to uh- harry's." I shrugged. "wanna come?" I asked, knowing he would say no.

"nah, harry isn't really a good mate of mine." he said, which I knew.

"okay well i'll be home soon." I left and alex was on her driveway, "we going or what?" I laughed.

"yeah, let go to the park? sitting on swings and talking till four am is a habit."

"okay." I smiled and we began walking, she's so gorgeous. I can't believe I let ethan have her, even though it only lasted three weeks.

ethan or grayson?
kiss next chapter??

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