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alexandra mellet

two months later

today I am going camping with grayson, I think it's good for us to get away and do something together. considering I am with ethan everyday, almost all day.

grayson is my best friend, yeah... who would have thought? we are so mean to each other but we love it. we are getting in the car, it's time to say bye to ethan.

I ran over and hugged him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he spun around. as he put me back on the ground he kissed my forehead.

"be careful, don't do stupid things like jump of a cliff if grayson tells you too." he said, pushing the hair back from my face.

"no cliff jumping or listening to grayson, got it." I smiled and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"is that it?" he asked.

I smiled and he cupped my cheeks, he kissed me. I wouldn't be lying if I said that was the best kiss he has given me.

"now go have fun." he pushed me towards grayson and slapped my butt.

"I love you." I said as I got into grayson's car.

"I love you too." we waved and grayson got into the car.

"you ready?" grayson asked me.

"yeah, it's just a week." I smiled. I winded the window down and sat out the window so half my body was hanging out, ethan ran over and pecked me one more time.

I got in the car and clicked my seat belt. I waved to ethan as grayson drove us down the drive way, we beeped the horn and we were gone.

"music?" I asked. grayson handed my the aux cord and I put it on shuffle. I smirked at the song and waited for it to play so I could sing along.

"all you ladies pop your pussy like this, shake you body. don't stop, don't miss. all you lad-" I sung and grayson joined in.

I couldnt believe he knew this song, we put the windows down and screamed the chorus, "MY NECK, MY BACK, LICK MY PUSSY AND MY CRACK-" we both fell back into our seats dying in laughter.

grayson and I calmed down a little, playing kid cudi. "OMG GRAYSON, LEFTLEFTLEFT!!!!"

he turned, "what do you want?" he rolled his eyes sarcastically, pulling into the mcdonald's drive thru.

"nuggets please." I smiled.


I had my seat laid back and my feet were on the dash board. I was munching on my nuggets and was hand feeding grayson one every couple minutes.

"you got sauce." I point to my chin to signal grayson that there was some sauce on his.

"can you get it? i'm driving."

I rolled my eyes before gliding my thumb along his chin. he turned his head and locked at my eyes, "what? shouldn't you be focusing on the road?" I ask, sitting back into my seat.

"I should be." he said, "but I got destracted." he said, as he licked his lips. then he bit it. he did not just bite his fricking lip, no boy stop.

"grayson, where are we even going?"


"no shit, where abouts?" I laughed.

"just out of town." he smiled. "do you miss ethan already?"

"no. I mean yeah obviously but that isn't what is on my mind." I said.

"what is?"

"why ethan would let us go camping together, alone."

"why wouldn't he?"

"do I really need to answer that grayson?" I said, turning up the music and singing the lyrics to day n nite.


"grayson you said 'just out of town'... we have been driving for three hours and it's almost dark."

"well if we dont get there in time to set up the tents then we can sleep in the car tonight."

"true, how long are we away from it?" I asked.

"about fourty minutes, max."

"okay, well wake me up when we arrive." I said, laying down and closing my eyes.


"ARGHHHH." grayson screamed and I woke up, I jumped out of my seat and turned to grayson to see him filming, he began cracking up.

"it's not funny." I punched him in the arm.

"it is!" he laughed, he ended thr video and focused on the rode again. I rolled my eyes and my phone beeped.

I didn't think we would have service but ethan messaged me.


I already miss you
and grayson, it's so boring
with you guys.

awww ethan, you should
of just come with us.

yeah but you know I dont
like camping that much
and grayson asked you
first so I thought maybe you
would like some time with
him for once.

I love you.

I love you too.

night x.


I turned of my phone and pulled my chair seat up, "grayson it is getting dark." I shivered.

"well guess what.... we are here!" he smiled. we pulled down into the trees and by a creek, "lets set up here."

I got out of the car and stretched my legs, grayson began setting up the tents and I got wood for a fire.

"HOLY FUCK GRAYSON." I screamed dropping the wood and I fell on my ass.

"what is it?" he asked, he panicked.

"that just fucking bit me." I point to a huge spider on the log.

"holy fuck, are you okay?"

"yes but its already going red, like did you bring a first aid kit?" I asked.

"back seat."

"I should be fine then," I stood up and walked to the car, cleaning and wrapping my wound.

"finished." I said, sitting beside the fire that grayson had lit.

he moved his chair beside mine and we put on some shawn mendes, soft to make the vibe calm.

"ethan loves camping, you know that right?"

"yeah, I have seen old pictures and he has told me old stories about going camping, do you wish he came?"

"don't get me wrong ethan is a good guy and I love him to death but I wouldn't be able to do this."

"do what?"

grayson lifted from his chair and kissed me, I pushed him off. "been there, done that. what are you doing?"

"forget it, i'm going to bed." he got up and got inside the tent. wow crabby much.

it was dark and I didn't feel great so I stood up and got in the car, lying in the back. I didn't sleep, I just sat there and thought about everything.

I fell asleep, what is happening to me and grayson. we have kissed so many times that its not even funny, the stupid game of spin the bottle, in the car when ethan dumped my ass, at disney, school by accident and now tonight, camping.

ethan only knows about one and he can't find out about to others. I love ethan so much and I can't loose him again. I guess part of me has always wanted grayson, that's the sad honest truth.

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