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alexandra mellet

I walked in and grayson was straight naked... what the fuck.

"yes?" he asked.

"put pants on please." I said.

I didn't see anything because the blanket covered his junk, but you could see that he was butt naked.

I just held my hands over my eyes, and a few moments he spoke, "okay, okay. i'm dressed now." he said and I opened my eyes. he had put sweat pants on, but he had a semi hard dick. I don't even wanna imagine what he was doing before I entered that door.

"anyway, I came here because ethan wants us to start over."

"did ethan want us too or you did you?"

"ethan." I stated truthfully.

he walked towards me, by my left side.he grabbed my hair, pulling it behind my shoulder. I took it back and turned to him, stepping away from him.

"you know, ethan is waiting for me. I should probably go." I take step away from him.

"bye baby girl." he smiled, this boy I swear to god he's trying to hurt me.

"you're such a fuckboy." I laughed opening the door.

"you love it."

I heard foot steps walking down the hall and ethan walked over, "ready?" he asked. he looked at grayson, looking at him sweats.

"have fun." grayson said, cracking the silence.

ethan looked at me again, "let's go." ethan said giving grayson and I a weird look and he grabbed my hand and we left. we were walking to the beach and I told ethan about myself a little more.

"so you sing?" he asked, taking my hand in his.

"I would call it sounding like i'm dying." I said.


we made it to the beach and laid out our towels, I stripped into my bikini and ethan got into his short shorts. we tanned for a bit, it was cute until ethan's look-alike showed up.

"here we go." I mumbled sitting up and squinting my eyes at grayson. "why are you here?" I asked.

"thought i'd hang out with my bromie and his girl." he gave me a toothy smile and laid a towel on the other side of me. "needed a tan too." he laughed, stripping his shirt off and placing it under the bag we bought.

"i'm going for a swim." ethan stood up, walking down the sand.

"you wanna go in..... or go home?" grayson winked.

"none, I'm fine here thanks." I laid down again and placed my shirt over my face. next thing I know his arms are under me and hover me up so he is holding me bridal style. "put me down." I yelled. he began walking out to the water and he was waist waist deep, my butt was barely touching the water.

I was clawing his back, I didn't want to get wet. I just washed my hair, "ready, three... two.."

"grayson!" I screamed. "I swear to god I'll-"

"you what huh?" he cut me off.

my eyes drifted to his, and he bit his lip. we paused looking at each other for a second. "you'll regret it." I whispered.

"no regrets!" he yelled and a wave took us both under. when I came up for air, the laughs of grayson and ethan filled my ears.

"grayson!" I screamed wading my way over to him, jumping and forcing his head under. he wrapped his arms around my legs and hoisted me in the air. he looked up at me and I looked down at him. he slowly lowered me, our face were inches apart.

"you're such a dick." he laughed, mocking me. Then Ethan came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me away from grayson.

"we should build a sand castle?" ethan smiled, he seemed very excited.

"yeah, i'll be the princess and y'all can be my slaves." I said, grayson grinned at my words, I didn't mean it like that...

we walked up and to where the sand was half dry, half wet and began pushing it into a pile. ethan and I were patting around the sides, grayson was up by the towels with his head in his palms.

"oh, would you look at that." I heard laughs. ethan and I turned to see abbey along with a bunch of girls and guys. "rat went for the cheese, what a shocker." she rolled her eyes.

"what?" I asked.

"there's a kitten, trying to eat out the rat. even thought he can do much better." she laughed, I clenched my teeth and stood up.

"abbey yesterday you were mooning over these two?" I snapped.

"don't you see, you came into the picture. you're playing them both, we all know you're hurting etha-" I slapped her across the face, honestly it was totally uncontrollable, it just happen. ethan grabbed me quickly, pulling me back. "what are you doing ethan? haven't you heard the story about the kitten, the rat and the cheese? well the cat and rat meet, they don't like each other because the rat thinks the cat just wants to eat her. then the rat finds cheese, it's what rats are meant to eat so she goes for the cheese. deep down she wants to be friends with the cat but doesn't know what to do with the cheese. In the end she dumps the cheese for the cat." she laughs. "let me lay it down for you, grayson's the cat, alex is the rat obviously and you are the poor, helpless little cheese."

"abbey, no one gives a fuck about your story." ethan pushed me to the side so the two of them were face to face.

"bye cheese, bye rat." she rolls her eyes and they all leave.

"well then?" I turned to ethan with a confused face.

"let's just go." he shook his head and started walking up the beach, he stood in the middle of our sand castle. great, is he mad cause what the actual fuck

ahahahaha what the fuck did I just write?

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