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alexandra mellet

I was in class, grayson was behind me. I turned to him, "y'all got a pen I can borrow?" I asked.

he was chewing on one, when I turned he stopped and handed it to me with a smirk. "don't get tempted, my mouth was all over that pen." he leaned and whispered behind me.

I turned to him, "is that a challenge." I spat.

"Sure thing, baby girllll."

I pulled the pen to my lips and bite down on the end, "ew boy cooties." I laughed and threw the pen a him, scoping him on the temple.

"alex, grayson; detention." the teacher said, smacking her hand on the desk as if if we were killing one another.

"sureeeee." I rolled my eyes and grayson laughed, I turned to face the front. grayson and I stayed in our seats when the bell went and everyone else left.

the teacher walked down the row of desks and stopped, taking a seat on the desk beside me, diagonal to grayson and faced us. "why did a pen get thrown in my class." she asked, tapping her nails along the desk top.

"because, I picked up a pen and threw it....." I shrugged.

"alex, i'm not looking for an attitude." she spat.

"it's called a personality love." I smirked and I heard grayson laugh a little.

"are you looking for another detention?" a he asked.

"I don't know, am I?" I raised I brow.

"you just earned yourself a another two."

"i'll go let the office know, while I'm there you wouldn't mind if I let them know about you and coach in the janitor closet last week." I pushed my seat out and she gripped my wrist.

"oh my god....what!?" grayson burst into laughter.

"you won't say anything, you don't have detention anymore. please." she cried and I rolled my eyes, grayson and I got up and left.

"did that actually happen??" grayson laughed as we walked down the empty hall.

"yeah." I cracked a smile, it's been two weeks since the day we went to that fair and grayson and I have made the hate/friend stage. ethan and I, well we have just a thing. he keeps telling me he wants to ask me out at the perfect time.

we opened the front door and ethan waited with our long boards.

grayson dolan

her face lightened when we opened the door and ethan was there, she ran down and hugged him and kissed him. it felt like they hadn't seen in months, they literally had lunch together.

i'll admit, I like her. which was strange, i've never actually liked a girl. when I met her I knew she was different, i've never had feelings for a girl, especially ethan's girl. I met her first, that doesn't make her mine though.

I wish I could go back and remove those dick comments I said and just start fresh, I'd love that. But nah, sitting here watching my twin brother and her kiss is okay too.

we rode home, well they rode together and I trailed back a bit. I was thinking about her and ethan, I can't be jealous can I? I'm not the jealous type, I feel an aching feeling when I see them together.

they pulled into her drive way, as I walked up mine. "cya grayson." alex yelled as her and ethan entered her house.

"cya Alexandra." I mumbled. we called each other by full name, to piss each other off. even though I normally and called grayson, it still makes me angry. well actually we call each other 'baby girl' and 'baby boy' but I know it's just a act.

I dropped my school bag at the kitchen bench and grabbed left over pizza, I heated it up and walked upstairs. I sat on my bed and untied my shoe laces, falling back onto my pillows and began eating a slice.

I turned to see ethan and alex, he was tickling her and she was laughing. I stood up and closed the blind, I can't watch my twin brother and the girl I like fall in love.

alexandra mellet

"ethan, stop." I giggled as he pinned me to the ground and ticked me, he was sitting on my legs so I couldn't kick him off.

"make me." he laughed, digging his fingers into my rib cage.

I gripped the bottom of his shirt, removing it from his body. I traced my finger down his chest and he stopped, he lifted his weight of my legs so his knees where either side of my waist. he grabbed both my hands with either of his hands, he pinned them above my head.

he leaned down and tried to kiss me, I pushed him off me and he fell on the floor. "you thought!" I yelled, jumping off the bed and running down stairs.

"you're so mean!" he yelled and I could hear him run down stairs behind me. I hid behind the wall and when he walked past, I pushed him to the wall and kissed him. "I take that back, you aren't mean." he smiled into another kiss, then we were stopped by a knock at the door.

"i'll get it, go put your shirt back on fuckboy." I laughed. as he walked past me I slapped his bum. I walked to the door and opened it, "abbey." I was surprised to see her, it's been weeks.

"hey, I know you and ethan are a couple now. I wanted to just come in and forgive you." she smiled.

"as much as I wanna hear it, now is not a good time." I had the door open so she could just see my face and not inside.

"you okay?" she asked.

"why wouldn't I be?" I asked, hearing footsteps come down the stairs and my heart began beating fast.

"ethan is inside, I can tell." she said. "it's okay, i'm over him. for a matter of fact, i've moved on." she pointed to grayson, who was mowing my lawn. why the fuck was grayson mowing my grass?

"oh, well yeah ethan is here. you can still talk if you want." I opened the door for her but ethan was behind me , still shirtless.

"you's aren't busy or anything?" abbey chuckled.

"no, definitely not. how about tonight we have a get together, the boys and some girls. Like hannah and stuff?" ethan asked.

"yeah," me and abbey said.

abbey left and I closed the door, "I have a plan." ethan smirked.

"carry on?" I said.

"we are going to get grayson and abbey together, so he leave you alone." he laughed, I honestly hate this plan.

grabbey? i

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