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alexandra mellet

when the movie ended I was the only one awake, ethan had his head on my lap asleep and grayson was on the other couch. I grabbed the remote considering it was already on netflix and put on teenwolf. I watched like three episodes and they hadn't woken up still, I stood up and lifted ethan's head, replacing my thighs with a pillow.

ethan and I both shared two blankets and grayson was curled up in a ball without one. I got the blanket I had and threw it over him and I tucked it around his neck and around his body. I turned off the tv and grabbed my phone and key.

I opened the door and closed it behind me to see a lady. "oh, hello there." she was startled when she saw me.

my hair was a crazy crisis and I was wearing a large shirt but gym shorts. what a great first impression, I looked shady as fuck.

"uh- hi." I said nervously. "I was uh watching a movie and grayson and ethan and they fell asleep. I was gonna head home, i'm sorry." I awkwardly said walking to where she was.

"need a lift home?" she asked.

"no, I actually just moved in next door." I smiled.

"ah alex, that's right." she said. "well i'm glad you get along with my sons."

"yeah." I smiled, at least I get along with one of them right, I wasn't lying.

"so did you go to the boys party last night?" she asked. "don't worry, I did know about it."

"uh yeah I did, I actually came today and helped clean. then we just ended up watching a movie."

"yeah they didn't sleep at all, i'm not suprised that they fell asleep on you." she chuckled lightly. "anyway, i'm lisa." she smiled.

"it's nice to meet you." I said truthfully. "I better go, it's late."

"yes, well actually i've invited you and your mum over for dinner."

"oh okay."

"well let her know that I sent a text."

"I will." she guided me to the door and let me out, I went home. my mum probably isn't even home, not like I was actually going to tell her. dinner with grayson, no thanks.

I walked to her room and surprisingly she was home. "sorry, I fell asleep watching a movie." I lied.

"it's fine, go have a shower and get dressed. the dolans invited us for dinner."

"I don't wanna go."

"you already spent the whole day with them, what's so bad? please go get dressed."

"fine." I walked to my room and took of my clothes, I threw them in the corner and turned the warm tap on high and got into the shower.

I didn't bother to wash my hair, because I already did it in the morning. I got out, putting my hair in a messy bun for the time being. I walked to my wardrobe picking out my black leggings, my green denim dress jacket and my tan coloured docs.

I braided my hair in two french brains and walked down stairs. "you look nice, which one you impressing?" my mum chuckled.

"me, myself and I. can we just go so we can come home quicker." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone in my hand. we went out the door and walked down the drive way, down the side of the road and up their driveway. We could of just cut across the grass but what floats my mums boat took us that way.

we stood at the door and knocked, ethan answered and greeted us. my mum walked in and I waited out the door, ethan just stood there smiling. "you'll be fine, grayson is in his room."

"he will come out though, does he even know i'm coming?"

"yes, he was the one that suggested it to mum." ethan smirked.

"ethan, stop." I laughed. we walked inside and their mum announced dinner would be ready in half an hour. "let's go to your room?" I suggested and we walked upstairs. I was walking up and sneezed half way.

"shhh, grayson will hear." ethan turned to me and put his finger against his lips.

"he already did, bless you by the way." grayson said from the top of the stair case, he was shirtless again.

"can't you ever put a shirt on." I rolled my eyes. ethan grabbed my hands and guided me up the other half of the stairs.

"where you going?" grayson asked as we pushed past him.

"to have sex, what do you think?" I laughed and so did ethan.

"and I wasn't invited," he gasped putting his hand to his chest.

me and ethan ignored him and just continued walking and didn't bother to talk to him, we reached ethan's room and entered. I sat on his bed, his room was pretty cool. "do you have snapchat?" I asked.

"yeah," he said sitting beside me.

"you should let me go on it." I laughed.

"why, don't you have it?"

"I do, I wanna send grayson a photo ahha."

"nah, I have a lot of people. you would never find grayson."

"I'm sure a few people won't hurt, plus there's a search bar."

"fine." he handed me his phone and sat next to me, I held my finger down on my face to make the filter appear and we did the one how you look sad together and I went to send it to grayson, "put it on my story." I did as he said.

"wow, your story has like a lot of views?" I said swiping, "like millions."

"yeah, gray and I are pretty popular."

"that's like our school x 100 still?"

"I don't mean to sound cocky, but we make videos on the internet. like youtube videos and things like that."

"so do I, I only got ten kay subs though."

"we should colla-"

he was cut off by a knock on the door, "dinners ready." grayson voice said and we stood up, walking towards the door.

"here goes nothing." I took a deep breath, releasing it when I open the door.

we took a step at a time down the stairs and walked over to a round table with five chairs. ne and ethan were last down, my mum and grayson both sat beside their mum leaving a seat beside grayson and a seat beside my mum.

"ethan, you sit next to mrs mellet please. I want it to be mixed." lisa said, ethan turned and gave me a look like he was sorry. I sighed and took a seat next to grayson, here goes nothing.

dinner will be next chapter.
give this book some love please.

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