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alexandra mellet

a few girls and guys had made their way into ethan and grayson's house. we were just having a order pizza, play games kinda night.

the football team and the cheerleader girls, I bet they will wanna play like truth or dare, seven minutes in heaven or spin the bottle.

I sat on the couch with then hannah and josh, they were the cutest. hannah is my new best friend, she is leader of the cheer team and I'm joining it soon.

grayson and ethan were on the football team, grayson was captain. ethan was like a vice captain, I dont know if they have them in football but oh well.

"where's your lover?" hannah asked.

"who?" I laughed.

"your dad." she said sarcastically.

"my dad left when I was seven, he cheated on my mum and left us. so I never had a love for him." I said as a joke, even though he did do that.

"deep, why you gotta do that." she pouted.

"ohhhhh did you mean daddy ethan?" I laughed.

"yes." she laughed.

"I have no clue where he is to be honest." I turned to see grayson standing with a few guys. I stood up, "hey gray, do you know where ethan is?" I asked and grayson just stared at me. "hello?" I asked.

"oh um no I don't know where he is, i'm sorry I zoned out for a second." he said.

"ih okay well I'm gonna go find him." I walked away but grayson followed, "you coming with me?"


"what?" I laughed.

"you called me gray." he smiled.

"I did?"

"yeah, I froze. you never have."

"it didn't mean anything, i'm just looking for ethan." I said.

"I didn't think it meant anything, I'm just happy that you called me gray."

"it's just a colour." I stated. "it's not something to be brightened about.

"I don't know, good luck finding ethan." he said, I killed the kids vibe.

"alex?" I turned to see ethan.

"finally, where were you," I smiled widely, kissing him and I turned to see grayson had walked away.

"what where you am gray talking about?" ethan asked.

"I called him 'gray' and he is a little to happy about it." I laughed and sighed at the same time.

"oh, lol." he laughed and we walked back to where everyone was.

"what game first?" grayson asked.

"truth or dare." hannah smiled.

"circle." grayson asked and we all sat in a big circle on the basement floor. "alexandra, truth or dare?" he asked.

"truth," I answered.

"if y'all could go back go when we met, do you wish you were in a better mood? would you give me a second chance as a friend?" he asked and everyone went quiet.

"laaaaame, but no I wouldn't." I said.

"it's your turn to ask." hannah said to me.

"abbey, truth or dare." I asked, turning to her.

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