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alexandra mellet

four drinks later I was on the dance floor with abbey and ethan, ethan was cool. I kept having eye contact with grayson, who was on couch still, "he is sour, you should go talk to him." ethan nudging me towards grayson.

"me and him aren't the best of friends." I turned to ethan and painfully smiled.

"you okay?" ethan grabbed my shoulder and straighten me up.

"just a bit dizzy, I gotta go home." I let go of his arms, I walked over to get my phone and fell on the couch on grayson.

grayson dolan

alex fell on me so I moved her onto the couch, so she was beside me. "can you take me home?" she asked, her eyes barely open.

she's only had five light beers, either she's light weight or she taken something else. not that i've been watching over her all night, I heard what the guys said at school and I didn't want them to touch her.

"sure."I stood up and grabbed her phone and then walked back to the couch, I picked her up and she wouldn't stand so I just picked her up bridal-style.

"dolaaan." lachlan howled. "that's my boy."

"i'm just taking her home." I said.

"well if aren't using her, I will." he licked his lips.

"i'm taking her home." I said, and I started walking towards the door and over to her house.

I got the key from her skirt pocket and opened the door, I walked inside and closed the door behind up. "upstairs?" I asked.

she nodded slightly so I carried her up the stairs and made my way to her room, we walked in and I laid her on her bed. "goodnight baby boy." she smiled, closing her eyes.

"goodnight alex." I sat on the end of her bed and undid her laces, I slipped off her shoes. Then I pulled the blanket up over her, I was about to leave thinking she was asleep but she grabbed my hand.

"please don't leave me." I looked down at her and sat back next to her. she moved over and tapped the bed, indicating for me to lay next to her. I was about to but she said something, "I love you aaron." she grabbed my arm.

" yep, moment ruined." I said to myself. I stood up and left, going back to mine. pushing through everyone to my bedroom, I had it locked with a key because it's a teenager party..

I laid in bed and thought about her, I thought maybe she liked me for a second. She called me aaron, who the fuck is aaron.

alexandra mellet

I woke up around eleven the next day, my head was pounding. I looked down to see ethan carrying bags of rubbish to the bin, so I opened my window slightly. "hey ethan." I shouted and waved to him.

"jey al, you feeling okay?" he shouted back.

"no." I groaned and he laughed.

he walked inside then grayson walked out. this time I didn't say anything, I just watched him walk over to the bin. he was shirtless but I still wasn't interested. I looked over and wondered how the hell I got home.

I stood up and got in the shower, about thirty minutes later I got out and put a large tee and gym shorts on. I walked down stairs and went next door, "need help?" I asked ethan and grayson when the walked out.

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