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alexandra mellet

"ethan!" we heard grayson yell from outside, we pulled apart.

"I should probably go see him." ethan said, standing up.

"want me to come?" I asked, removing myself from the couch.

"yeah, sure." he put his arm over my shoulder and we walked to the door and grayson was walking up my driveway.

"oh ethan, did you guys figure things out?" he asked, looking at us.

"yeah, we are actually an actual couple now." ethan smiled as he kissed my temple.

me and grayson just had eye contact the whole time, my heart stared beating faster as he looked at my lips. I felt butterflies knoting in my stomach, why the fuck did I have butterflies?

"thats cool, well then I might head home. have a nice day." he looked so- upset, so broken...

"grayson wait," I didnt know what I was gonna say next, "do you wanna text some people and say there is a party at mine tonight?"

"yeah okay." he said.

"me and ethan can figure stuff out." I gripped ethans hand and pulled him inside.

"a party? thought you didn't like parties?"

"they are alright, sometimes." I laughed.

"I love you," he pecked my lips.

"cool." I said releasing myself from his grip.

"hey!" he snapped, grabbing my shirt, he pushed my hips to the wall. he leaned his head into my neck and began kissing and sucking at it.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he placed me on the kitchen bench, he pushed against me and I pushed a vase off the table. it smashed everywhere.

"i'm so sorry," he said, as he leaned over me to see the shattered glass, "i'm so not so smooth."

"who said she liked it smooth." we turned to see hannah standing at the door.

"how long have you been here?" I asked, jumping of the counter.

"I heard 'cool' then 'hey' then there was moaning, banging and crashing from there on." she laughed.

"right." I pushed a strand of hair away, I felt embarrassed even though she was my bestfriend.

"so party tonight, what time do I come back?" she asked. "cause clearly you two need more alone time." she winked.

"we are all good." I laughed.


the party starts at six and it's five, there is already around sixty people in and around my house. how many people did grayson invite?

I pushed threw the crowd to find grayson, I saw hannah and tommy. "hey have you guys seen grayson?" I asked.

"shouldn't you be looking for ethan?" tommy laughed.

"no, I wanna know how many people he invited..." I deepened my breath, i'm pissed.

then there he was... I saw grayson in the corner of my eye. I slightly stormed over to where he was, pushing past people agressively.

I pinned him to the wall, he was already really drunk. "grayson how many people did you invite?" I yelled.

"I put it a party group on facebook, also leaked your house on twitter, oops." he laughed.

"grayson it isn't fucking funny, you have millions of followers."

"I know, thats why you're my friend. everyone wants the fame right? anyway shouldn't you be with ethan?" he rolled his eyes.

"grayson, you've had a little too much to drink." I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the stairs.

"yeah right." he pushed me away.

"grayson stop." I grabbed him again, but this time he didn't push me. he hit me. no not lightly, not open hand. full on, closed fist, hit me.

I stood there holding my cheek, only two or three people saw. "please don't tell ethan." I asked, running after grayson who left.

"grayson wait?"

"why?" he yelled, "so when ethan breaks up with you you'll have me to run to? so you can use me and pretend to like me until ethan forgives you and you can drop me?"

"grayson you're drunk, let me take you home."

"you probably shouldn't, I might try kiss you again and you might kiss back then pull away and talk about ethan again."

"fuck you."

"don't say that, I love you."

"well I love ethan and you're drunk." I spat.

"I might be drunk but I know what I want alex, I want you."

"goodnight grayson." I turned, walking back towards the house.


me and ethan were versing in beer pong, I noticed that grayson had returned to the party and was watching. "i'll play the winner," someone yelled, a familiar someone.

I turned to see an old friend of mine, "kian?" I choked, I ran and jumped hugging my legs around his waist. he lowered me and kissed my cheek, hugging me tight.

"i've missed you so much." he smiled.

"so have I." I turned around and Ethan and Grayson had wide eyes, standing beside each other.

"ethan, grayson?" kian said.

"kian?" they said in sync.

yes, it's kian lawley. the story I wrote about him got deleted, so I added him to this one.

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