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alexandra mellet

I picked up my knife and fork and waited till everyone else had started eating. I looked at ethan and my mum, completely ignoring the fact that grayson was there. I don't know why I hate him so much, he did nothing. he just sounds like a jerk who i'd fall for and get my heart broken, even though I won't fall for him. I don't like him at all.

once everyone had finished talking it was the time to all sit back and talk. "it was lovely, thankyou." my mum smiled, gesturing towards her finished plate.

"it's fine, so alex do you have any talents?" lisa asked me and everyone looked at me.

"I like to draw, i'm not very good though." I smiled.

"she is great at drawing, don't lie. she can sing too, she's amazing!" my mum said.

"that's great, i'm sure we will hear it from time to time." lisa smiled.

"probably not, I barely used to in our old house when we didn't have neighbours. now I do, I don't think i'll sing a lot." I felt awkward, I tucked my hair behind my ear but it fell. grayson caught it and pushed it back again behind my ear, letting a silence fill the room.

I looked at grayson, then back at everyone else who was also looking at us. "i-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." he said looking at everyone but me.

"it's okay grayson." I said, then I felt ethan's hand grab mine under the table, locking our fingers together. I turned from grayson to ethan, he softly smiled and I did the same back.

I squeezed his warm hand, he made me feel better, like he literally just stopped me from panicking... I didn't feel trapped in the spotlight anymore.

we talked about more things at the table for about half an hour, when finally my mum decided to speak up. "i'm sorry to leave so soon, it's getting late. we had a great night, thank you." I let go of ethan's hand, but I noticed that grayson had seen.

everyone pushed their chairs away from the table and stood, everyone walked to the door and to say goodbye. my mum walked out the door and said thank you, ethan walked outside with me. "do you wanna walk and get ice cream?" he asked.

"uhhh- yeah, i'll tell my mum." I smiled, he walked inside and I walked over to my mum to tell her also.

ethan popped his head out the door, "i'll just grab my jacket and i'll be out." my mum went home and I sat on the driveway waiting.

"what are you doing alex?" I turned to see grayson standing behind me, he leaned against the mailbox.

"waiting for ethan." I turned back so i'm facing the road and not him.

"that's not what I mean."

"then what do you mean?" I asked, aggravated.

"I said hey and you snapped at me, you didn't give me a chance to be a good friend. then you play you're bitchy games towards me and then you meet ethan and you and him become friends. then next thing you know you two are holding hands under the table and going to get ice cream." he sighed, angryliy.

"grayson, I'm not in the mood."

"well I am, why do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you grayson, I was in a bad mood yesterday then you actually started being a jerk to me. I thought you were showing off in front of your friends, I hate people who do that." I yelled at him standing up.

ethan opened the door and looked at us yelling, "everything okay?" he asked.

"it's perfect, go have fun." grayson spat, pushing past ethan.

"what's his problem?" ethan asked, as the door slammed shut. he walked over to me and we began walking down the road.

"I don't wanna talk about him, what's the plan for tonight?"

"I dont know, do you like mcdonald's ice cream?" he asked.

"yeah, I do." I smiled and we walked and just talked about life. about half way into the walk we linked fingers and his arm made its way over my shoulder. I was kinda happy, but he was just hooking up with abbey last night. god she will kill me if she knew ethan and I were acting like this.

we both got a mcflurry and sat in the back corner table, we talked about stuff but I had to ask him, "do you like abbey?"

"abbey?" he gave me a confused face.

"you kissed her last night?"

he laughed, as if I just told him a joke. "where did you hear that?"

"abbey told me you's hooked up."

"well we did kiss but she grabbed my collar and smashed her lips on mine, I pushed her off and left her."

"well she was ready to tell me the story about you guys hooking up but I never went to see her." I laughed. "I'm still gonna let her tell me though."

he laughed and he looked at my lips, stopping his laugh. "is this a date?" he asked, looking back up into my eyes.

"do you want it to be?" I asked.

"yeah." he smiled.

"then I guess it is." I smiled back.

"i'm sorry for trying to force you to go with grayson last night, I just thought you did like him."

"definitely not." a hitch rose in my voice.

"i'm glad you don't."


we stood up and walked out the door, ethan put his arm over me again and we walked along the pathwat, back the way we came.

"are you cold?" ethan asked.

I didn't really notice till he asked, "yeah a little." I laughed.

"here." he stopped and took of his jacket and threw it over me.

"thank you." I laughed as we continued walking.

we got to our houses and first we walked up to mine, "tonight was good." I smiled, taking of his jacket.

"yeah, definitely something that has to happen again." he smiled taking the jacket from me. "well I guess i'll see you tomorrow or something?" he shrugged.

"yeah, can I uh- have your number so we can text?" I asked, biting the inside of my cheek as I was nervous.

"oh yeah, pass me your phone." I passed it to him and he put in his number. "just text me and i'll save yours."

"okay, well I'll probably text you when I go to my room." I leaned foward and hugged him, it took a few seconds for him to hug back. "goodnight e."

"goodnight al." I opened the door and he walked down the drive way. I shut the door and leaned my back against it and smiled, i'm happy for once.

graylexson or elex?

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