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alexandra mellet

one month later

I woke up, today I needed to go see grayson. we had a school project together, but what day don't I see him and ethan honestly.

I put on my leggings and a large t-shirt, then grabbed my umbrella before walking next door. I knocked, the door opening revealing a tired, puffy ethan. "hi." I smiled, I gave him a hug.

"grayson is at the grocery store, but he will be back in half an hour or so." ethan shrugged, he grabbed my books from my arms and we walked to his room.

it was a nice day to sit inside, there was a storm. there was loud thunder booming and lightning flashing through the curtains, along with rain hammering against the roof.

"hot chocolate?" he asked. I nodded with a smile, "come on." I jumped on his back and he carried me down to the kitchen. he back up, placing me on the counter, ethan honestly makes the best hot chocolates.

after he was done, he handed it to me, "I made it with love." he smiled. "because I hate you so it was the least I could do."

"shut up." I playfully pushed him. he walked to the fridge to put away and the milk and I was admired him. I was so lucky to have him, as a friend.

I decided life would be so much easier if I had friends, if I never made the relationship status with either of them, it would of been easy from the start.

the door flew open, and grayson walked in holding ten bags in each hand almost. "can't afford two trips." he laughed at ethan and I, who were staring.

ethan walked over, shutting the door that grayson didn't. he just walked in and placed the bags on the bench beside me, taking off his soaked coat after.

"fuck it's freezing out there." he was shivering.

"come here." I said, he walked over and stood between my thighs and I hugged him.


"wait so I was meant to research prior?" grayson asked.

"yes." I spat.


"but nothing." I laughed.

"i'm sorry." he laughed.

"well we can go off mine I guess, I don't know if it is enough but it is all we have now." I shook my head.

"I will try do some tonight."

"it's due at three, via email, you dumby." I laughed.

"oh yeah, sorry."


the three of us sat in the loungeroom and watched a movie, so this is the where we are now. just me and my two bestfriends, my neighbours.

I fell in love with a pair of twins, whom fell in love with me in return, but maybe it was a mistake. it never would of worked, although we're friends now and that's how it had to end.

the end.

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