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alexandra mellet

it's currently four am and the party is still going, I also couldn't find the twins anywhere. "have you seen ethan or grayson?" I asked people as I walked through the house, I finally found kian passed out on the driveway.

"kian, you alright?" I poked him and shook him to wake up. "kian, try get up for me please." I helped him up and he put his arm over my shoulder.

"i'll take him." grayson came out of no where, grabbing kian's other arm and wrapped it over his shoulder.

"we both can, I thought you were just as drunk?" I rolled my eyes.

"i've been drinking water and eating bread for two hours, i'm feeling better." he said, pushing the door open and we headed for the stairs. "where are we going?"

"my room."

we got into my room which had been locked with key and we put kian on the bed. I shut the door and sat on the end of the bed, pushing my hands through my hair. I didn't notice grayson was still present until he spoke, "are you okay?"

"not really." I said, i'm really not okay and I don't want to lie to anyone anymore.

"can I give you a hug?" he asked.

I turned my head and looked at him, without saying a word I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist. his were around my neck, one hand was making circlular motions on my back.

"i'm here for you alex." he whispered, "whether you hate me or not, I care." I didn't want to say anything back so I just hugged him tighter. we stood there hugging for what felt like forever, in reality it was like two minutes.

"can you help me get everyone out." I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"of corse I can." he smiled and we walked to the door, leaving and locking it again. we walked down the stairs and turned off the music. "parties over, go home." grayson yelled.

A lot of "boos" and "aws" flowed around the room, but eventually everyone left. it's bright outside, the sun is rising and I haven't seen ever than since we played beer pong. where the fuck did he go?

"grayson have you seen ethan?" I asked, he was sitting at the kitchen table.

"not since kian showed up." he shrugged.

"i'm going to check on kian, i'll be right back." I jogged up the staircase and went to my room, "kian you awake?" I whispered. no response. I went back down and the front door was open, grayson was standing talking to someone.

I walked over to the door and opened it more so I could see, it was the police. "is anything wrong sir?" I asked knowing that we are screwed, it also didn't help that we both weren't sober.

"we found a young man lying drunk in a gutter, he asked for an alex, then he gave us this address." he coughed to clear his throat. "he has been underage drinking which he will now be detained for six hours and we need a family member to know where he is."

"i'm family." grayson answered.

"we can see that." he spoke, they are twins.

"okay so in six hours he will be needing a parental guardian to pick him up, thank you for your time." he walked down the driveway and got into the cop car. I saw ethan in the back, why did I throw a party?

I punched the door, "what are you doing?" grayson asked grabbing my hands, to calm me.

"this is my fault, I threw the stupid party." I cried.

"don't cry, ethan is fine."

"your parents are going to be mad," I sighed.

"it's not the first time." he said, "well for ethan yeah, but i've been in for the same thing before."

"that doesn't make me feel any less shitter."

"it's not your fault, now get some sleep."

"grayson, i'm not tired. I can handle an all nighter." I yawned and he laid on the couch, I laid on the other one. he fell asleep I walked to the bathroom and took some pills to stay awake. I can't sleep even if I want to, I began cleaning the house, it was disgusting.

ethan dolan

I fell out of my dream and felt a cold kind of metal on my cheek, I opened my eyes and sat up. where the fuck am I? I looked down and I had one hand handcuffed to the bench I was sitting on. i'm at the police station.

I had another man in the room, handcuffed to the bench across from me. "why are you here?" he asked me.

"I was underage drinking... I guess that's why i'm here." I answer, "how about you." I asked.

"I murdered my wife." he said. "then I ate her."

"oh." I choked.

"nah, I was caught spray painting graffiti." he laughed.

"oh okay." I looked up to see a cop opening the cell or whatever we are in.

"dolan, your mum is here." he said, he unlocked my handcuff.

"cya." the other guy said.

"bye." I said, following the police officer, we walked down the hall way and I saw my mum. her head was hanging low, she was disappointed in me. she hugged me tightly, "i'm sorry." I sighed.

"let's just go home." she said and we got into the car. "grayson and alex are over at alex's." she said.

"do they know where I was?" I asked.

"they were first to know, you said alex's name and her address to the police."

"fuck," I said.

"I just wanna know how you ended up two blocks from alex's and you were found in a gutter?" she asked.

"I went to clear my head and I don't remember much." I sighed.


we arrived at home and I walked straight over to alex's, I didn't bother to knock. "alex?" I asked. she ran over and hugged me. over her shoulder I saw grayson and kian sitting on the couch, I closed my eyes again and pulled away, kissing her cheek.

"i'm so glad you're okay." she spoke.

"so am I." I laughed and we sat down on the other couch, "hey guys." I said to kian and grayson.

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