Untitled Part 59

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10:55pm July, 4 2016

This time last year 

Foo Fighters were finishing their set 

and we were looking into each other's faces 
I can't speak for you 

but for me nothing else mattered 
but that moment
The red, white , and blue lights flashing on our faces, on the stadium 

as we sang out hearts out and stood in awe 

This time last year marks the 3 remaining hours

we'd ever have left together

the last time i'd see the way your smile curls at the ends 
and your wisps of hair 

the last time you'd look down and see a mess of blue hair and blue eye 

it was our last night together.

after the car ride of constant hand holding and heads gently touching

while we fell asleep 
you'd lock yourself up again and forget to give me the key 

if i'd have known it was our last time together

i would've kissed you gently in the back of the car

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