Chapter 20

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“Don’t fucking talk about my parents, you have no idea what happened.” I scream, my face only inches from his.

I release Joey from my firm grip, dropping his body to the floor. Wasting any more energy on this worthless human being shouldn’t be a priority for me, protecting Lea is though. For Joey to have the audacity to actually bring up my parents death is a sure signal that I should have knocked him out for good, but something inside my head is screaming not too.

Confusion washes over his lifeless eyes, most likely questioning why I let him free.

“This is your last fucking chance, stay away.”

With that, I slam the door in his face and exit the building.

My blood is boiling, how could he say shit like that without even knowing half of the story. I hop into the car and sit in the drivers seat, motionless for a few moments before slamming my fists onto the wheel. The horn beeps, making a woman walking past my car jump. 

Why me? Honestly. Why the fuck am I the one who has to live with shit like this. I'm not the emotional type but I feel a tear run down my cheek.

No. Fuck this. I've been strong for 11 months. Not now. 

I put the car in drive and make my way to the nearest liquor store that I know doesn't ID.

Lea’s POV

Strong rays of light make their way through the small gap between the closed curtains, pulling me out from under the comfortable warmth of the covers. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table its reads 8 o’clock, I leave Ryder sleeping, giving myself time to prepare for work today.

Running the hot water, steam instantly fills the bathroom. Letting it run a few moments before stepping in, the hot water burns my skin in a satisfying way, waking me up. Lathering the coconut shampoo through my hair, I wonder what Harry would be doing later, maybe I’ll text him.

Stepping out of the shower, I run a brush through my dripping hair. Over the past 2 months or so my hair has grown a few inches, I think I like it. Far too lazy to make an effort I leave my face makeup free, throwing my now damp hair into a bun. Finishing getting myself ready, Alexia is watching Ryder this morning since Kasey will be at school, maybe I need to find a babysitter that could come during the day. Ryder, who is still sleeping is left on the bed, letting Alexia know and saying a quick hello I’m out the door.

Pushing the doors of the building open, I flinch from the icy air hitting my skin, sending shivers down my spine. Thank god I chose to wear a sweatshirt.

The small bell atop the door at the office rings as I walk in. Greeting the other workers the day is slow, not many customers come in today, only a few every so often.

I catch myself staring at the clock, counting down every last second of my shift. With an empty office I pull my phone out from within my bag, Harry’s name on the screen.

From: Harry

Goodnight beautiful H xx.

The message was sent last night, I must have not noticed while my phone was charging. Too late to reply I will most definitely shoot him a message later tonight.

The previous hour speeds by and I’m on my way back to my home. After being stopped at what seems like nearly every red light, I eventually make my way back. Unlocking the bolted door I’m granted access to the apartment, Alexia sitting on the floor has engaged in a session of blocks with Ryder.

“Awe home so soon?” Alexia frowns.

“You can keep him if you want.” I laugh, a couple days off would be fantastic though.

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