Chapter 36

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Please Read: I am only able to update about once or twice a week. I wish I could update more, but with school work and other events going on at school I just don't have much time to make for writing. I really hope you can understand and continue to look forward to the updates. I am assuming you would rather have longer updates with more of a wait than shorter updates with less of wait, right? Tell me in the comments which you prefer because I will take it into consideration. This note is getting long so please enjoy, vote & comment please! x

Lea's POV

Slumping one of Harry's arms over my shoulder, we start towards the bathroom. The alcohol must be relatively fresh in his system because the affects seem to still be very strong. I don't know how much he has drank, but I'm almost positive it's more than he should have.

I push the door open with my foot before leading Harry through, taking a seat on the closed toilet lid. A strong breath moves out of his lungs as he lays his head back on the towels stacked behind him. Reaching into the cabinet I take a freshly cleaned washcloth, rubbing alcohol, anti-infection ointment, and a few extra large band aids placing all of it on the small counter space. I allow the water to run for a few minutes until it feels warm against my fingertips. Letting the cloth absorb the water, I look over to Harry his eyes already studying me. I find myself turning away as quick as possible, mainly because of the heat crawling to my cheeks, the sound of my heart thumping loudly against my rib cage is the only thing I can hear.

Harry and I haven't spoken in days so I'm not exactly sure where this leaves our relationship. I ring out the excess water so the cloth is damp and turn back to Harry, standing between his legs.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" Lightly I drag the fabric across the long gash in his cheek, the pure white absorbing the deep crimson blood. Harry pulls backwards, wincing in pain as I continue to drag the warm cloth against his skin.

"I fell." He states, his gaze burning into me. The vibrant green of his eyes is slightly smaller tonight, his pupils overtaking it because of the amount of alcohol he has consumed.

"You were at Zayn's place, how did you get here?" I know Zayn only lives a few blocks over, but someone still could have given him a ride. To get a cut this deep and long on your cheek he had to have his hands tied behind his back; I'm not buying it.

"I walked." His voice is lower, almost scratchy.

"What gave you the idea to walk here? You could have gone home." I couldn't be happier that Harry walked all the way here to see me, but why? I know he misses me, but is he actually going to do something about it. He's drunk, and even though his world is fuzzy and his mind is moving slower than it should be, Harry is still thinking of me.

"I missed you." Without hesitation his hands are wrapped around my waist, his thumbs rubbing delicate circles over my hip bones before pulling me closer to him. I've missed him, I've missed him so much. The way his lips move perfectly against mine, the way his curls glide through my fingertips, the warmth his body provides as his arm wraps around my waist, Christ even the way my name sounds as it rolls off his tongue.

I choose not to reply, instead I pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball before dabbing the cut. "Shit that hurts."

"I know, but just stay still, I would hate for the cut to get infected Harry." Tossing the now pink cotton balls into the waste bin, I smear the anti-infection cream and finish dressing the cut. I hope Harry doesn't mind Thomas the Train band aids.

"Why are you doing this?" He breathes.

"I-I care about you Harry, no matter what happened between us I'm not going to let you stand outside drunk and bleeding." The words come out rushed, and more shaky than I had hoped. Only an hour ago Harry was surrounded by other girls, while I stuffed my face because I couldn't stop thinking about him. Every thought was a battle, and I want this to work out, but I don't think I'm strong enough to win the war.

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