Chapter 32

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Lea's POV

The cold leather seats of Harry's car seems to relax a few of my tense muscles; cool my anger. I can't seem to erase the sight of Kaylee's devilish smirk out of my mind, nearly burned into my brain. The way she looked at him, like she'd just seen everything that I thought was only for me; Harry. As much as I would love to believe nothing happened between the two in Niall's bedroom I can't quite convince myself. You would think with everything Harry confessed to me only hours ago, that I wouldn't run into a situation like this, a never ending cloud of doubt with someone who I should have infinite trust with. Ryder rests on my lap, refusing to let his eyes close; obviously tired out from the dinner party.

Only the sound of my regretful sighs fill the expanse of the car as I give myself time to think. To escape back to my apartment and spend the remainder of the evening cuddled with my son sounds fantastic, but ditching is awfully rude.

Turning the car on I let the heat flow freely, removing the cold chill once present in the car. I'm happy I decided to wear a sweater; not like I couldn't have worn it with the self inflicted marks littering my body. In no way am I ashamed, but stares and judgment from people I barely know does worry me. They have no idea what I've been through, nor do I want them too. Laying back I close my eyes for a few minutes, taking in the soothing silence. All I can focus on is the burning ache in my chest burning through me.

He didn't cheat, he wouldn't cheat, he only wants you

Convincing thoughts fly through the air, moving to fast to catch. I'm left believing he did. Retrieving Ryder's diaper bag from the rear seat, I pull out a bottle. My lie was quite convincing, buying me time to escape the party and breathe. Too cold to feed to Ryder I should probably head back up, Harry has most likely discovered my sudden departure.

If he's not fucking Kaylee against the wall

I shake my head desperately trying to rid my mind of the thoughts. Turing the car off the engine dies down as I start towards the building, plastering one big artificial smile on my face. I refuse to give Kaylee the satisfaction she wants; me leaving. She knows exactly what she’s doing and I’m fucking pissed to admit it worked, but I would never let her know exactly how I feel. Right now I have the strength to march back up there and bash her stupid little plastic face in, but I’m more of an adult than she’ll ever be. She won’t win, she can never have Harry again if I make sure of it. As I near, I see the curls I was dreading sitting on the front steps, face buried in his palms.

First my thoughts tell me to go back to the car and leave; pretend like I never saw him. But others want me to act like everything's fine; talk it out with him. Going against the majority I keep walking, my head held high. With the click of my heals growing louder I know he hears me, but I'm not positive he knows its me.

"Harry what are you doing?" My voice curses me, coming out shakier than I would have hoped, sounding as clueless as possible.

"Lea! Babe I didn't know where you went, I tried call-" Frantically words tumble off his tongue as he attempts to catch his breath.

"Harry I'm fine, just needed to get Ryder a bottle." Hope shines through as I witness Harry's worried state, care seeping through the cracks.

A loud sigh escapes, and his shoulders slouch. Running a shaky hand through his tangled hair his gaze meets mine fingers still trembling, "I know you saw us, Kaylee told me she saw you at the door, but it's nothing you think-"

"Harry stop." I cut him off mid sentence harshly.

"No I need to explain to you, everything I said earlier was the absolute truth Lea you are everything to me and I don't want or need anyone else. Nothing happened up there, you're all I fucking need, I lo-"

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