Chapter 18

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I run to the bedroom before Harry can answer, carefully picking up Ryder who looks like a little, sleeping angel in his crib.  I hate to wake him since he has been such a nightmare to put to bed recently, but there is no way I would ever leave him here alone. 

“Ready” I say as I run and grab my keys and my cell with one hand while holding Ryder with the other.

“Lea, you should stay here”

“No.” I protest. “ I’m coming and we’re taking my car, it has the car seat.”

Not giving any more time for Harry to alter my decision, I open the apartment door and make my way towards the car. An awkward jog can be heard behind me, followed by long rough fingers gripping my waist. His touch gives me unexplainable chills. Harry has only been in my life for two months, yet his touch effects me in ways that are unimaginable. I’m torn away from my thoughts when we reach the car. 

“I’ll drive” Harry says

Being as tired as I am, I don’t hesitate to allow him to open the driver side door and slip inside. Buckling Ryder into his car seat I realize he has fallen back asleep and looks like a little doll. Delicately I brush a few stray strands of his blonde hair away from his eyes.

“Lea, we have to go”

“Right, sorry.”

I hop into the front seat and Harry begins the short trip to Alexia’s boyfriend’s apartment. Niall I think it is? It’s something like that, Harry had mentioned him a few times in casual conversation.  Moments later we pull up to a brick building only about 14 blocks from mine. Ivy snakes up the old brick, appearing rustic yet elegant all at the same time.

“You should stay here, just incase.” Harry says in a concerned tone before planting a small kiss on my cheek, my body temperature skyrocketing with the feel on his soft lips.

Turning on the radio some god awful mainstream music fills my ears. Singers these days aren’t even talented, you car hear all the auto tune with every word they “sing”. Finally I decide to settle on an oldies station. “Shattered” by The Rolling Stones, one my favorites. The song ends, and another, and another...

Fuck this. 

I grab Ryder and head into the building. Having not a clue where I am going, Harry never told me a room number or even a floor that he would be located at.  A few drunk guys stumble into the lobby and I’m guessing they’re headed to the party as well, I can smell the liquor radiating from their breath.  Stepping into the elevator, one of the guys attempts to touch Ryder, but my face tells him “do it and I rip your fingers off”.

He backs off. 

The elevator doors open up to a large penthouse. Glass windows over looking the whole city, absolutely stunning.  Probably about 35 people are scattered about the living room, mindlessly chatting and playing beer pong.

I feel like I'm back in high school again.

Shouting plays from the next room over, I assume that is where Harry is. 

“This is not the fucking time Josh, leave my fucking apartment.” Spits a fit blonde with an intoxicating Irish accent.

By the way he says “my apartment,” I’m guessing that’s Niall.

 The disgusting smug smile painted on Josh's face causes my stomach to churn from memories of the last time I was confronted with that smile.

“No way, the party is just getting started. C’mon babe-“ He attempts to grab Alexia’s arm but she pulls away out of his reach.

Almost in unison Harry and Niall scream...

“Don’t fucking touch her.”

“Josh get the hell away from me, things between us are over and have been for a while. You have no right coming here, leave or we’re calling the cops." Alexia snaps.

“You and your little boyfriend are so cute together, come back to me baby and I’ll show you a real man.” Josh says slurring almost every word. 

“What the fuck did you just call her.” Growls Niall.

“H-Harry.” Is all I manage to say.

All the attention is turned towards me.

“Umm.” Niall says and directs his eyes to Harry.

What a sight I must be. 

A young girl with a sleeping baby on my shoulder at what I’m assuming to be a college party.

“Lea, I told you to wait in the car.” Harry says obviously annoyed.

“Aw look who it is Harry, your knight in shining armor here to save you again” Josh spits.

Alexia moves across the kitchen to stand next to me.

“Lea, I’m so sorry but this isn’t your fight right now, you can go sit in Niall’s room while we sort this out. It’s the second door on your right.” She says.

“No its okay, I-“

“C’mon let the baby sitter stay, she needs excitement on a boring work night like this.” Josh laughs.

“Excuse me?” I hand Ryder to Alexia who welcomes him into her arms.

“I’ll have you fucking know that I’m not a baby sitter. That is my son. Is that okay with you?”

Now only a foot from Josh, he continues smirking like an idiot, suits him well. 

Me only being a few inches taller than 5 feet, I have to look up at the monster practically towering over me.

Harry steps over and tries to make some space between us.

“Lea let’s go, Niall is calling the cops as we speak.”

“No. Stay!” Josh slurs, taking a step closer. “You’re hot! I’d love to have you around for a night, but obviously I’m not the first one night stand to get in your panties.” And grabs my forearm.

With that I let my anger take over.


Seeing Lea with a sleeping Ryder slumped over her shoulder in the doorway of the kitchen was the last thing I wanted to see.

Josh being the prick he is, decided to show up at Niall’s party and cause some trouble with Alexia just because he fucking can.

They dated a few months back and things got ugly.

“Bro, I’m done. I’m calling the cops.” Niall leans to whisper in my ear.

I like Niall, he’s a great guy for my sister.

“Do it. I’m getting out of here.”

I don’t know what  could be happening in that mind of hers, but Lea hands Ryder to Alexia and takes a step toward Josh, immediateIy I run to her side.

“Lea let’s go, Niall is calling the cops as we speak.”

“No. Stay!” Josh slurs, with a smirk on his face I could just fucking rip off.

“You’re hot!”

Josh better stop there or he won't live to regret it, don’t you fucking dare call someone as beautiful as her such a degrading word.

“I’d love to have you around for a night, but obviously I’m not the first one night stand to get in your panties.” And he grabs her arm.

 With that I’m about ready to fucking smash his brains in.

But Lea out of all people beat me to it. Her clenched fist connect with Josh's jaw knocking him from his feet and falling to the hard tile flooring.

I’m speechless.

(Hi guys! I was wondering who you thought suits Lea best? Click the link and comment the number of who you portray to be Lea! Thanks!

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