Chapter 19

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Lea’s POV

My fist connects hard with Josh’s jaw knocking him off his feet, punching the sly smirk right off his face. A loud crash fills the room and his body stumbles to the floor, his head hitting the cold tiles beneath us. I look to Harry for guidance; I’ve never defended myself like this before, unlike him. His mouth is dropped in pure shock, eyes wide.

Police sirens can be heard faintly in the distance over the dead silence that has now overcome the room. Harry grabs Ryder from Alexia’s arms, gripping my hand as well, pulling us out of the apartment.

“Where did you learn the punch like that, holy shit Lea.” Harry seems stunned because I am able to defend myself.

“Well after the-“ I trail off.

“I took some self defense lessons.”

“Well they seem to be working.”A husky chuckle escapes his lips.

Handing Ryder back to me, I buckle him into the car seat.

“I can’t believe I just fucking did that.”

“Me either.”

“That felt so good, like wow what an adrenaline rush.”

Stepping into the car Harry quickly changes the topic of conversation.

“Do you want me to take you home?” Harry asks.

“Yeah, Ryder needs to sleep and I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day.” I manage to say even though I would rather spend more time with Harry, I hate clingy girls and refuse to become one no matter how strong of a fire this boy lights inside of me.

Moments later we arrive back to my building, Harry pulls into my usual spot and kills the ignition. Sliding out of the driver’s sea he manages to open my door before I have to chance too.

“Thank you.”

He returns my words with a smile, also retrieving Ryder from the car.

“I’ll take him up, thanks again.”

“I got him; my keys are in your place anyway, so unfortunately I’m going to have to walk with you.” His dimples deepening with the contagious smile painted across his face.

“I guess you will.” I laugh.

Reaching my door, I turn the key in the lock granting us access. Proceeding to the living room I hand Harry his keys from the small wooden table.

“Goodnight Harry.” I say as he hands Ryder back to me.

“Goodnight Lea.” Harry plants a kiss on the corner of my lips.

Closing the door behind him I slide my back down against the hard wood. My thoughts consume me, but this time they’re different. I think I’m falling in love with this boy.

Harry’s POV

Why did I ever think I would be able to keep myself away from this girl? Planting a small kiss on the corner of her mouth I can see the blush creeping onto her cheeks. I hope she’s aware I feel the same exact fire she does.

Exiting her apartment I was praying she would have asked me to stay, but I have a slight feeling I’m not the only one who was thinking that.

The drive home consists of me wishing I had the courage to turn this car around, charge back into Lea’s apartment and confess every little detail of how I feel about her, but something stops me. The walk up short and moments later I reach my door, swinging it open I turn on my heals heading back to my car.

Maybe it’s about time I pay Joey another visit.

Before I reach the car I choose to shoot Lea a quick text before I get myself into serious shit.

To: Lea

Goodnight beautiful H xx.

Memories of the threatening voicemail and Lea’s previously slashed tires circle my mind, reminding me that Joey has yet another thing coming too him. Sliding back into my car before I know it I’m pulling into the lot of his apartment building, I quickly make my way to his door as fast as my feet can carry me.

My knuckles play hard knocks on the wood until it finally is pulled open.

“I thought I told you to stay away Joey.” I speak, my words deep and intimidating.

“Get the fuck away from me.” Joey spits.

“Didn’t the beating teach you enough? I didn’t think you would pull off that other shit.” I say taking a step into the doorway, Joey nearly tripping over his own two feet in attempt to back away.

“It was a dumb fucking voicemail to your stupid whore.”

My skins heats, the temperature of my blood nearly at a solid boil.

“What the fuck did you just say?” I growl, pushing his small figure into the wall, causing pictures frames to fall, shattering the glass.

“Your stupid whore.” He states painstakingly slow.

“You see Joey I can knock you senseless again, but that didn’t seem to work last time, so I’m going to be fucking honest with you.” I pause for a breath.

“Come near her again and you won’t live to see another day.”

I see the color from his face nearly drain, attempting to release himself from my tight grip. Every word that I speak holds truth. He was a fucking dumbass to betray me the first time, Joey out of all people knows what I’m fucking capable of, let’s just say my record isn’t so peachy clean. I got myself into a lot of shit, Alexia always there to bail me out, but never to keep me out of trouble for much longer.

“Just like your parents Harry, are you going to kill me like you killed them?”

My breathing becomes heavy, a knot growing in my throat.

(( short, suspenseful filler chapter! I've narrowed down the character choice for Lea down to two people, I will post a link but you wont be able to click on it, so copy and paste the link and it will bring you to the picture! GO TO MY PROFILE THE LINK WILL BE IN THE INFO BOX, comment who you think best suits Lea it would be really helpful, I will post who the other characters are in the next chapter! Thanks for reading, comment who you think Lea is and your thoughts! ))


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