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Emilee's POV

Justin just released the new that his new collab single would be out this month and I'm very happy. My baby boy is going to be out there again and for crying out loud it's with Ed Sheeran!

They're out there doing the final touches of the song, and I'm here at home with no groceries. Justin told me to just order it on this app so it'd come to our door but I disagreed. I didn't know who would show up to our door and I didn't know put the groceries together. I'm not so happy with it, so I have no choice but to go do it myself.

Kylie and Kendall wanted to see Madison but were on two different business trips the day of our welcome home party. Kylie was doing her two new shades for her lip kit and Kendall was out there modeling in New York. I haven't spoken to them in a while so it's nice to finally see them.

I texted them I was outside and within second they were out.  I rolled the window down as they asked. "Can we both sit in the back?" Kendall asked excited as she saw Madison.

"Of course, why ask?" I said laughing as they got in. Kendall sat in the middle while Kylie sat on the end. Immediately they kept messing around with her and I didn't care. For the most part she was awake.

"Oh my gosh Em, she's so cute." Kendall said and I smiled while I kept driving.

"Can I please put her on my snap chat?" She asked I nodded my head yes. "I don't mind, it's just that creepy stalker of mine is something else." I said and Kylie immediately started talking.

"Oh my gosh yes! It's so annoying. One time a guy delivered so many boxes of pizza and one said Marry me Kylie my mom started freaking out. I thought it was creepy, but in a way it was funny as well." She said.

"And I could understand that, but now that I have Madison I fear he'll stalk me so bad or good, whatever that he'll come and take her away from us." I said.

I looked in the mirror to see them both snapping my kid and I laughed.

"If she's blind and has to wear glasses later on, I blame you two." I joked.

"I'm sorry Emilee, she's just so tiny and cute." Kendall said.

"It's okay, I'm just joking." I said pulling up to the grocery store.

"Can I carry her?" Ken asked. I nodded my head yes and she picked her up.

"Just know that if she starts crying, her bottle is in that bag." I said and she told me ok.

I knew we had to do this quickly before anyone spotted is. I was not trying to get rambled by a bunch of them while having Madison out here.

"So how was the 9 months and labor?" Kylie asked walking next to me.

"9 months went by really fast, I just remember not being able to do anything the last few weeks. Maybe even month." I said laughing.

"That was Kim, she'd always laugh cry when she couldn't put on her shoes. It was the funniest thing ever." Kylie said as we all laughed.

"I could totally feel her pain, but labor went both ways. The first few hours I was waiting for Justin to get back, then I took a short nap, I started getting really mad at Justin because he still had his blonde hair, and then within moment I had met my baby girl, but I don't remember much after that." I said giving them a half smile.

"I know, I was actually telling Kendall that, I was like what if Madison came out with blonde hair?" We joked roaming around the stores and picking up formulas and groceries.

"I would have killed him. My daughter would think she's adopted her whole life. I don't care about the blonde, but Justin's hair won't be blonde forever." I said. "It's definitely not going to be like that for our wedding. Then the both flipped out. Kylie was giving Madison and got really happy, but then Kendall was next to me and she said,"When's the wedding?"

I chuckled for a second and then said,"Well, I think we're both still young so I didn't want it for at least another year or two. Just so we're a little bit older and for Madison to be old enough to walk and be our flower girl. Speaking of that, I have a question to ask?"

"That is?" Kylie asked and we turned around laughing.

"My wedding is still far from now but I like to ask in advanced. Two questions actually, One will you guys be my brides maid?" I asked and the both got really excited. Too excited that I ended up grabbing Madison while laughing.

"Geez you're going to shake my baby to death." I said laughing and she apologized but I knew she was.

"Yes." They said in unison.

"Two, do you think you guys can ask Penelope and North is they would walk Maddie down considering she'll be old enough to barely walk and might need a hand. So technically Madison is my flower girl, but so are they?" I asked.

"I'll ask Kourt and Kim. Kourt will probably say yes but Kim is full of surprises." Kendall said laughing.

"That's fine, that's why I'm asking in advanced." I said as we went through the last aisle.

"We gotta go." Ky said.

"Someone spotted us and paparazzi's should be here in about 10 minutes. Let's go pay and get out of here." Kylie said and I put Madison back in her car seat that was in Kendall's hand while Kylie then helped me out the groceries on the thing for the lady. She didn't seem to fascinated by who we were thankfully.

I gave Kendall the keys so she could take Madison to the car before they spotted her. I gave the lady a $100 bill and just left with all the groceries but it was too late. I could see Kendall putting the car seat in the car and paparazzi's ready to swarm her. I got angry and screamed at them.

"Get away from my daughter." I said and they all came running to Kylie and I. We put the groceries away while Kendall locked herself in the car until we could get in. I closed the trunk and ignored the questions. I got in the car and drove away just about as fast as I could.

"I hate that." They both said.

"Well I mean I have two famously celebrities and Justin Bieber's daughter so I guess I can't blame them. I just wish they were considerate enough to know a baby can't have all those flashes going around especially because she only opens up her eyes every once in awhile." I said.

"Speaking of her eyes, they're green?" Kendall asked excitedly.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Because they're open right now." She said and soon enough I heard a small chuckled from my baby girl

"Take a picture and send it to me later!" I said excited. I ended up letting them stay at my place. I cooked a dinner for all of us and just waiting until Justin came home. Justin got mad because Maddie just "had" to poop and vomit while he was holding her. He really hated it, but I mean no one likes it. Sorry Justin.

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