twenty .

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Justin's POV

"Selena, in waiting at our old spot, I know it's been a couple of years, but c'mon it's not that far." I said waiting on top of a hill.

"I'm here so calm your self bieber." She said and then I saw her car. She parked it and started walking towards me. I sat on the bench and she sat down on the opposite side so I could face her.

She looked irritated. It's probably my fault but oh well.

"What am I doing here and why is it soooo important?" Selena asked.

"Don't get mad, but personal I wanna know if you've been talking to Hailee lately?" I asked. I instantly wanted to take it back and rephrase it.

"No, but even if I was why would I tell you?" She said putting her glasses on her head.

"That's not the question, like I mean anything. Hs she tried to get in contact with you?" I asked and she gave me a face like as if she was going to slap me any second now.

"What's this about?" She asked. I sighed because I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring up the scenario, but at the same time, I brought her into this so I might as well tell her. "I'm about to leave, I have a meeting in 30 minutes which is being held back because of you."

"Okay, okay. Kendall showed up at the house yesterday, and Hailee somehow is finding her way back into my life. Like she's trying to contact me and all." I said.

"And so you thought that after all this time I'd help her or something? You're making this seem so not offensive but it really is." Selena said ready to get up.

"No, wait. That's not what I meant for you to think or feel like. I'm sorry, I just wanted to know because I'm concerned." I said.

"Your problem not mine." Selena said getting up.

"Selena, it's not my problem. It's Emilee and Maddie too." I said and she instantly stopped. "If you find out then let me know please." She immediately knew what I meant and it must have got to her because she wasn't responding, but she wasn't leaving either.

"Only for Emilee and Maddie. Not you." She remarked walking away. 

"Selena.." I responded and she turned around.

"It shouldn't bug me, but it actually does Justin. For you to think that after all this time. No wonder I'm not Madison's God parent." She exclaimed.

"You're her aunt?! Isn't that better? Why does it matter? Selena!" I said getting by her car.

"Look, I'm having a bad day. Just let me be. Keep them safe. I gotta go." She said, I attempted to stop her,but that obviously never goes well, so she just drove off.

Emilee's POV

Madison's baptism is today and I'm just wondering why the hell no one will answer me.

I don't know where the hell Justin's been and Selena was suppose to be at a business meeting but apparently paps caught her leaving the studio. I don't know what the hell is going N on and why these two won't answer, but the mass starts in one hour.

Soon enough there was my husband, but not in front of me. On the news again. Selena should have already been here and Scooter's trying to calm down Maddie. Is the universe telling me this is a bad day?

I don't know honestly, as rude as this sounded, I just wanted this day to be over with. Im exhausted. Maddie keeps crying because her teeth have been coming in one by one and they obviously hurt. Speaking of teeth, how weird is it that we grow teeth, lose them and grow them right back all together. Then again it would be strange to see a baby with huge adult teeth.

Snapping me right out of my thoughts was Scooter telling me that we have 10 minutes and the mass would start. We had to get everything but before I even knew it, the hour had passed by of me day dreamin. It.s not even dreaming. I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm not even stressed about this, I'm stressed about so much more, but I choose to keep them bottled up. It's not like Justin would listen either way..

He's a great listener, but he's been so busy lately and he has enough on his plate. I needed to do my job and take care of our daughter. Except she's only getting older and he just seems to be getting busier. He wasn't even this busy when we were dating. It's just getting way too frustrating and I shouldn't have to be this frustrated.

"I'm here!" Justin says coming in extremely loud and causing a scene. I looked at him and just eyes him up and down.

"Sorry." He mumbled. He pecked me on my cheek and then stopped.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said blankly. He wasn't so convinced but he didn't have a choice but to shut up. The mass had started.

A/N: Next chapter is long but I'm so happy to be back (: finishing the next chapter it's a time jump

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