five .

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Emilee's POV

We landed about and hour ago and I'm at Pattie's house right now. In fact I already saw my father but I wasn't going to beat the crap out of him in front or while holding my daughter. I pushed my feelings to the side and just clicked grabbed my things to go inside.

He knows I'm here and he thinks that I left Justin so he could finally bring me back into "daddy's" little arms.

"Oh sweetie, I love it when you come visit but not for such purposes like these. You just left a day ago and now you're back." She said.

"Well I don't need Justin in jail and Madison left without a father." I said annoyed.

"I know Sweetie and it's something that came up so randomly and I just, I honestly don't want you going over there by yourself. Please give it a day and then maybe see if Justin can come." She said and I shook my head no.

"I don't have time to be waiting. I know Justin told you about the little incident and it's nothing new to me at this point. I'm not the scared little girl that I was anymore. If it's anything, your son taught me to stand up for myself." I said and she gave me a warm smile. She cupped my cheek and have me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled a kissed Madison and then walked outside. I walked for literally like 20 seconds and then entered my old house.

I immediately saw him and as he turned around I punched him right in the jaw. He jumped back slightly while holding his jaw. He looked shocked but I didn't care.

"There's a lot more of that to come." I said clenching my fist. I knew to keep my cool for now.

"What the hell? Where's my grand baby?" He asked.

"Revoke this." I said handing him the papers.

"I'm not revoking shit." He answered back.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because you're too young! I know your values. You would never have sex without at least marrying the fool! You would have aborted the child!" He said and the smack. I punched him again.

"I would never kill my child." I said through my teeth.

"You would never be with someone like that!" He screamed.

"You just don't like the fact that my moms dead and it's your fault." I said and then I felt a slap.

"Take back this court case or you'll regret it." I said.

"Not in a million years. My grandchild deserves to be here not in two irresponsible young adults." He said. "He's a pop star, he doesn't know any better. He could have a kid in every state!"

"Actually he doesn't, but in pretty sure you do. I'm more responsible than you think. I mean you wouldn't know shit about me considering you never raised me." I said angry. "Take it back or else my daughter won't have a father and you're going to ruin his career."

"Or else what. This is the only way I'll get you away from him. Fake a case. For all I know it could be real but I'll do whatever it take to just keep you safe." He said and I kicked his chin.

"Suck a dick dad. I'll see you in court. Just know you'll regret it." I said and he grabbed me.

"No the hell you aren't. You aren't going back." He said. I got out of his grasp and said,"I'm going back. If you want to even have a chance for me to be in your life, for Madison to ever know about you? Then take the case off." I said. I saw him think for a moment. He really didn't know what to do until he gave in. I heard him dial a number on his phone and I made him out it on speaker.

"Daniel, I want to revoke the case. I want nothing to do with it. Just take it back and I won't ever reopen or ask for it again." He said.

"Please hold." The man said. "Alright. Nice working with you." Then the line went dead. I was walking out the door but right before I closed the door he asked me something.

"When will I meet her?" He asked.

"Rot in hell, I'm never letting you near my daughter, nor will you ever see me again. Not even at your funeral." I said and slammed the door as he came after me. I ran next door behind the wall as I didn't want him to know I was at Patties place. I heard him come out and saw him looking around.

"Damn you Emilee." He screamed and I just waited there until he left back inside. Once it was safe enough, I started walking and then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Sorry my phone died babe. How'd it go?" He asked.

"He can't ever bring the case back up. He revoked it and if he ever brings it up you're safe." I said.

"What's you do?" He asked.

"I got it all on recording." I smirked.

"That's my beautiful and extraordinary baby momma. Can't wait to see you. Come home to me." He said excitedly and I smiled as I walked into Pattie's places.

"I'll talk to you later. Love you." I said and then I hung up.

"I'll take it went well?" Pattie asked feeding Madison.

"I got it all on tape." I said laughing.

"Woah!" Pattie screamed excited making Madison cry. "Oops, sorry baby girl." She said to Maddie and set her down while holding the bottle for her. "So does that mean it done?"

"Yeah, I mean it went at lost faster than planned honestly. I thought I was going to have to stay longer." I said.

"Oh honey, is it that bad being here?" She joked.

"No but I do have things to do. I know it was an extremely small trip Pattie, but I'll see you soon and thank you." I said hugging her.

"Of course honey, send me pictures of my grand kid." She said.

"I will, but I should head back, I need to file for a restraining order." I said. She looked at me ready to open her mouth but then she stopped herself.

"Okay then honey, give my baby a hug." She said and with that I was out and about. Once again I'm headed on a plane and this really wasn't good for Maddie, so we wouldn't be traveling for a while.

A/N: Let's get me to 1k reads by chapter 10? (: I'll update later but once again not sure at what time so if anything just look forward to having about up to Ch. 10-15 by Monday (:

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