fifteen .

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Justin's POV

"Aye bro, we outside let's go!" Rudy screamed into the phone.

"Aww shit. My man." I said and hung up going outside. I locked the door and made my way into the huge ass hummer limousine. If Emilee found out that I was in a party bus then she'd know we had strippers. Not my order but it was theirs. I could never look at anyone else the way I look at her, but I can say that I'm happy to be happily married to her tomorrow.

We started of with some hard ass drinks because you know what? Fuck it.

"Last night being single bro, you sure you don't wanna change your mind?" Khalil said.

"Chill man, she's the one for me and not just because she's my baby momma." I said.

"You're whipped!" Maejor said laughing. "Fuck man, still single."

I didn't think the guys had much planned besides hitting the clubs and a strip club. Not really sure, but I should know them well enough to know that this is what they wanted. It seemed like a party for me, but in all honesty a celebration for them to have some strippers dance on them and they get drunk while I feel guilty because I'd rather be with Emilee. That's what the shots are for. Let me loosen up a bit.

We arrived at some place called Hoots and Toots. Weird ass name that doesn't make sense honestly but did I care? No because I could already feeling myself get drunk. I knew I needed to stop as I took my 5th shot.

"Bro! We just started and you're already pounded!" Bach said.

"Let's get this Bachelor some strippers!" They all screamed and many ladies recognized me so they immediately started groping me. Their hands were just about anywhere and I tried to push them away but you know, strippers will be strippers and they held me down. I just couldn't stop laughing. All the guys were either throwing bills, takings shots, smoking a blunt or cheering the girl on me.

Most of them left after like 10 minutes because this one started to give me a lap dance. "Last day single aye." She said.

"Ye-yeah! I'm so happy." I said chuckling.

"Must be a lucky girl." She said about to take her top off even though it was barely even a top. I stopped her and said,"I'm good. Here's $100 bucks. Love life. Byeeee." I said finding the guys.

"Yo!" Maejor said handing me another drink. "Next pit stop my boy."


I wake up to being in a very unfamiliar room. I wasn't sure where I was. This didn't look like our hotel room at all. I didn't go to some bitches house right? My whole face went pale and I couldn't see any of the guys.

Where are they? Where am I? What time is it? Oh god.. What time is it? I looked everywhere for my phone until I finally found it in between the couches to see that it was 12:48pm and the mass starts at 3. I may not be a girl, but I'm hoping that's enough time to get ready.

I'm about to head out when I see Maejor. "Ayyye! Someone partied too hard last night!"

"It's 1:00pm." I said and he jumped as if he'd seen a ghost and grabbed his jacket. "We gotta go fam." He said and I started laughing. We headed downstairs and towards his car when I asked him something.

"Where are we? And why'd we stay there?" I asked drinking some water from the car. His car always had water bottles. I swear it's not gross.

"Our hotel room is with drunk sleezy men who decided to have a little more fun if you know what I'm saying." He said wiggling his eyes brows.

"Why didn't you stay with them?" I asked.

"Well someone had to take care of you. You were so drunk, you found your way to Emilee. Yeah, you saw Emilee last night." He said laughing.

"What'd I say?" I said scratching my head.

"Something about having another kid and you're sorry because strippers danced on you." He said laughing. "She nearly killed you considering she was drunk and she was more mad that you weren't considerate enough to think about her lady parts all because you want another kid."

"Well that sound like Emilee." I said laughing.

"Ohhh there's more, but I'll save it for later today." He said laughing.

"That's why you're my best man bro." He said.

"Dipshit totally dipped and shit if you know what I mean." Maejor said.

"Emilee's really rubbed off on you. That's her nickname for him." I said laughing. "Before Emilee there was me." He said. We pulled into the first venue which is where the mass was taking place and went to my room. Emilee's room was on the complete other side so we wouldn't be able to see each other. You know because of bad luck.

"Had too much fun huh bud?" My dad said as I entered the room. I could see he was already ready, by he was getting Jaxon ready.

"Hey man! And yeah, thanks for coming dad and you know doing the honor of walking Emilee down the aisle." I said giving him a hug.

"It's what family does for one another. Madison's getting bigger every day." He said.

"She's here!?" I said excited. "Can you bring her for me?" I begged.

"No can do, you have to get ready and if she throws up on you, well let's just say we can't order another one." Jeremy, my father said.

"How is Emilee my sister?" Jaxon asked.

"Well I'm marrying her so she's your sister in law." I said even though he probably wouldn't get it. He looked at me just thinking and then he shrugged his shoulders. "I did my hair like you so I need to go marry Emilee too?" He asked.

"Woah there buddy, can't take you're brothers girlfriend like that. We'll find you one later." My dad said which made us both laugh. I started getting undressed and got into the shower to just well, shower quickly.

The moment I got out and started getting dressed it was already 2:17pm. I was just hoping I'd be ready by then because I have to be out there before Emilee does. I had my mom fixing my hair while I put on my tie and watch. I started doing little things to clean myself up and before I knew it, I was ready.

I looked at my mom as the tears started to spill.

"I love you baby. You've made me so proud since day one. Have fun today and congrats baby boy." She said kissing my cheek and then leaving. She left towards Em's room when I got a text.

E: See you soon ass wipe. Love you. xoxo

J: Love you too beautiful xo

Then I knew I was ready. I started walking out and down the aisle as the mass had started. One by one they all passed by until there she was. My beautiful Emilee.

A/N: Justin's suit for the wedding ^^

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A/N: Justin's suit for the wedding ^^

Next chapter should be up later but not for awhile. If not then it'll be up sometime during the week. This weeks updates will be kind of slow. I'm busy sorry but I will give you guys a wedding!! Yay! They're finally getting married!

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