thirteen .

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Justin's POV

I remember everything like in slow motion but what I know for sure is that I'm okay. It was not my time to go. I got two girl waiting for me at home, or in this room. I'm not sure yet, I haven't came to think if I should wake up yet? I just have this weird feeling like something heavy is weighing down my eyes and I can't wake up. Or can I?

"Justin?" I heard a faint voice. I squeeze my eyes shut even though they already are and then open them to see Emilee. She looked so tired and like she'd never stop crying.

"You've been crying a lot lately, are you on your period?" I asked with a groggy voice.

"Oh my gosh you had me worried." She said holdin me and then apologizing. "I'm sorry did I hurt you?"

"I'm just a tad sore but I'm okay. What have you been up to?" I joked and she smacked my arm lightly.

"Where's Maddie?" I asked.

"She's with Selena." She said smiling. "What happened Justin?"

"Um I can't recall much, someone swerved into me for texting and driving. It wasn't you if that's what you're thinking." I said and then picked up the small cup of water and took a sip.

I held Emilee's hand and just admired her. My beautiful wife. She will be but I just think she's just so beautiful. Outside and inside but mainly inside because she had the greatest soul ever. Her looks were just a perk and might I say she's one hot mama.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"You're hot." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you're okay. You scared me ass hole." She said.

"I could never leave you or Madison." I said kissing her hand. "Now can I get my release papers. I'm trying to get the hell out of here. I'm not needed here."

"I'll go get the doctors but do me a favor and call your mom. She's worried and about a millimeter from hoping on a plane over here." She said getting up and so I did. I grabbed her phone and called my momma bear.


Emilee's POV

Justin and I got our venue and must I say I'm absolutely in love with it. Everything seemed to be super gorgeous but I still had one more thing on my checklist and that seemed to be my dress. I ordered one that I fell in love with, they took my sizes at the store considering it wasn't there and I'm just scared it's not going to fit me the way I want it to. I have to go pick it up later today.

Why else wouldn't I? My wedding is in 2 days and everyone's already flying in over here. Pattie should be here in a few hours and she's going to be on my butt about tomorrow.

Why? One Justin has his boy party and I have mine. One last night with many guys but not cheating. No kissing, no sex. Just fun ole young male strippers. On the other hand I don't know how Justin's experience will be, but I swear he better not have too much fun. He shouldn't be having fun unless he's joking around and drinking with the boys. That I'm okay with, but if I find a picture or even find out that he's touching some other bitch I will leave his ass at the alter and with his kid.

I saw him lay out his outfit for tomorrow and it was hella bomb. Too fucking bomb. I know how my man looks in clothes and damn he needs to cut it. He's already my cute muffin.

So I decided to lay out my outfit and he got mad. "Hell no." He said and I laughed.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Cot dammit Emilee! If you continue dressing like that you're going to be one of the Kardashians." He said.

"Cot dammit Justin, if you keep dressing like that you're going to have another kid." I said and what I meant was totally different than what he thought.

"Let's go baby girl." He said coming close to me and I pushed him.

"I meant you're going to fuck some bitch tomorrow because she's all up on your dick." I said laughing.

"I could never." He said grabbing me by the waist. From the corner of my eye I could see Maddison in her chair swing making baby noises.

"Cot dammit Madison if you don't cut it, we can't make your baby brother or sister." Justin said kissing my neck now.

"Hell no.  Get the fuck away from me. I'm not trying to have another kid right now and I definitely don't want a hickey before the day of our wedding." I said and Justin turned me around and the picked me up. By now my legs are wrapped around his waist and I was laughing.

"After?" He said.

"It's gonna be our honey moon so no shit." I said getting down.

"You can't say shit like that because you might give my hopes up. You play too much sometimes." He said laughing as he now pinned me against the door. He placed his lips on mine as my hands went around his neck. I placed one hand on his cheek to cup it. His hand went down to my ass and I punched him. He looked at me in the eye and smirked.

"Not the first time I've done it babe." He said winking and left downstairs. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, out the door but clearly missed.

Madison laughed and so did I.

"What am I going to do with your father?!" I said picking her up and giving her a bunch of kisses which caused my little baby to laugh the cutest laugh in the world.

"Oh gosh, I think you need to be changed." I said and walked downstairs.

"Madison needs to be fed." I said handing her to Justin and he didn't mind until he noticed her stench.

"You're going to get it Lockwood." He said laughing.

"It'll be Bieber in a 48 hours." I said grabbing my keys so I could leave to go try on my dress.

He looked at me smiling widely and then it totally fell when I said,"You know, if I don't change my mind." I started laughing historically. I could never leave him. He's too perfect. Way to perfect for me.

A/N: I literally didn't use my phone all day. My phone died and I'm no where near home. I had some family issues. Everything's okay but sorry for the late chapter. Next chapter will be up soon and I'll continue updating tomorrow but if not then Monday (:

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