twenty two.

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A year and a half later

Emilee's POV

I've hit nothing but paranoia. I've been fed up with these threats. I've felt with this shit for so long that I shouldn't have to be And afraid. I don't know what to tell a guy that's obsessed with me to leave me alone. No we aren't meant to be together and I'm happily married. I just want to be left at that. I didn't even get a honey moon due to the threats.

I'm at the mall with Madison to buy her some new clothes. I didn't need to buy her anything, but I just wanted to do something. Maddie was annoyed because she wanted ice cream and I just wanted to do something so I brought her to the mall. We were walking around as her small piercing green eyes just looked at me.

"Mommy, I needa go potty." She said and I laughed. I picked her up and held her on the side of my shoulder as I walked to the restroom. I made sure it was clean and safe for her tiny little body not to fall in the toilet because that would be hilarious. I already knew Maddie was going to be like Justin. She was always humming and singing while she peed which was cute.

"When's daddy coming home?" She asked as I helped her get clean.

"In a few hours baby." I said flushing the toilet and pulling her clothes up. I helped her up so she could wash her hands and when I wished my hands she put her's in those extremely high tech air hand dryers and she laughed uncontrollably.

"That tickles!" She screamed and the ladies laughed at her while she giggled loudly. I smiled at how amused she was by it. I dried my hands as well and we headed out.

I noticed that others started to notice who I was and we're taking pictures. I didn't like it. I didn't like Maddie in the spotlight. If she heard something meaning a lie, I wouldn't want her to hear it. She's a little girl and my daughter doesn't need to get involved at all.

"Sweetie, we're going to take the ice cream to go okay?" I said and she nodded.

"Get some for daddy!" She said with her hands to her face as her shoulders came up. She smiled and held my hand. We went to the food court and found a froyo stand. I grabbed some for Justin but didn't get some myself. I wasn't really hungry for it. I paid the lady and went home immediately. It got so bad that I had to put headphone in Maddie's ears to block them out as I have her my sunglasses. Her body held my tightly as the people crowded us. It was so irritating that they didn't even think that this is a little girl. She needs some air. If it's anything that Maddie did get from me besides her eyes were panic attacks. She freaks out easily and it scares me when she's scared because she doesn't know how to handle them or what they are in the first place.

The moment I walked into the room I let go of Maddie and she ran to her play room as always. That was her thing. Whenever we came home from places she'd go in there or go to sleep. Sometimes she would need me and other times she wouldn't. She'd be so tired that she would knock out in seconds. I could pick her up from her car seat and she's be knocked out by the time I get to her room and set her down.

I went to the kitchen to put both of their ice creams away for later.

J: Be home in 30, how's Maddie?

E: Playing, how'd the interview go?

J: Good, how's my baby girl?

E: I just said she's playing lol

J: not her, you baby girl (:

E: I'm good babe. I'll see you soon.

"Mommy!" Maddie screamed which made me go into Mom mode because she never screamed like that. I run down the hallway and stop in my tracks when I notice a man standing there.

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