seven .

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Emilee's POV

It's now March and my baby girl is 4 months old. Justin's been in and out of the house doing things like performances. He actually surprised me because he somehow managed to balance his daddy duties and his career duties. I even treated him out for doing amazing. I do feel bad though because he does get really tired and I notice it. He doesn't like to admit, but I can tell. The pass month I've been doing just about everything so I just let him mess around with her, feed her, and put her to sleep. I do the dirty work if you know what I mean.

It's not that I'm babying him, but like I said I could totally understand how tired he is and the fact that he still makes time for her is incredible. My only worry now is his new album. I want to know how that was going to go honestly.

Big news, I mean it's kind of sad but good. Remember Ethan? Anyways, Selena broke it off with her now ex boyfriend and is now with Ethan. I've never seen her so happy. It makes me quite happy that I paired those two together.

My dad hasn't bugged us since the restraining order. He's not aloud to be no where near any of us within a yard. Yes I made it that strict. He is to be no where near us ever and if he does I won't hesitate to call the cops.

Life's been pretty calm. Typical mother duties 24/7. Literally like Justin won't let me get a job and I wouldn't get one because I refuse to have a baby sitter unless it's Selena. I don't want her calling the nanny mom. I would be pissed as hell.

I've been planning some of the wedding considering I don't know it it'll be in 8-18 months. I really don't know. Time goes by fast.

I went for lunch with someone I didn't want to see. I don't even know why I agreed to this. I just hope I'm not gone too long for Ethan And Selena. They're taking care of Madison for a few hours.

I'm waiting inside a restaurant and I just keep fidgeting. It's insane how I wont stop shaking. I looked at my clock and then that's when I grabbed my bag ready to just leave. I didn't need to be here. It was probably a sign to go.

As I was about to stand up I met eyes with my ex, Kendall Schmidt. He titles his head and sat down.

"Nice to see you." He said slightly smiling. I cringe at the fact of the memories haunting my head right now.

I didn't say anything because I was on the verge of a panic attack. "Emilee breathe please." He said.

"Why'd you call me to meet you here? You know I never wanted you to ever be in contact with me ever again." I said through my teeth.

"Look, I've spent my time in jail and—." He started. "And they should of kept you, why are you out!" I said getting louder. My hands were now shaking.

"Emilee I'm sorry. I really am." He said and I wiped my tear.

"No you aren't. I can't trust you and I won't believe a single thing you say to me. You caused a massive hell in my life. I just put a restraining order on my father. My step father is no where to be and I would probably blame you!" I said angrier.

"Now if that was all true, would you be here? Cmon I know you Em." He said.

"Don't call me that." I said.

"Look, if you want me to be brutally honest, I know your little stalker and must I say, somethings bound to happen to you." He said.

"You're just saying that to mess with me." I said.

"If that were true then how would I know his name and what he looks like. I got out of jail an hour ago. Is that really possible?" He asked.

"Any things possible when it comes to your perverted ass. I'm out of here." I said standing up.

"Don't listen to me then, but he still has a good year or two until he destroys that family of yours." He said making me stop where I was. I cringed and tried to shake it off. I got in my car and just drive home as fast as I could. Thankfully I didn't die or get a ticket.

My thoughts were everywhere but I just tried to shake it off for now. I pulled into my driveway and literally rushed inside. I walked inside to see Ethan and Selena on the couch with Madison sleeping on the rocking swing. I smiled and gave them the okay to leave but Selena told Ethan to wait outside.

"What happened?" Selena asked.

"More threats or warnings. I don't know." I said wiping a tear away.

"You've got to tell Justin, Emilee." Selena said and I just shrugged her hand off my shoulder and then I gave her an apologetic look.

"He can't know. I'm never seeing him again. I just want to leave it at that. He's stressed enough. Thanks for taking care of her." I said looking down. I could feel her eyes on me and then she just sighed.

"I'll check up on you later Em. I still think you should tell him. Secrets are one of the things he hates the most." She said which left me thinking. It was true. Justin did hate secrets. It didn't matter how small or big it was. He just wanted to be told. Except how do I tell him that I went to go see my ex-boyfriend. Not just any ex boyfriend and I know how many words I can call him but it just makes me cringe.

I heard the door open to see Justin and I wiped my tears to be shocked.

"What are you doing home early?" I asked as he came to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I was thinking, we should go on a trip?" He asked. "Wait, what's wrong? Were you crying?" He asked and I hesitated. I didn't know what to do but I knew I'd regret it in the end.

"Before Madison fell asleep she hit me with her toy and my eyes have been irritated since then." I said regretting every least word. I felt so bad. I wanted to just take it back but maybe it was good I didn't. It would give me a day to think it through and tell him tomorrow.

"Aww my girl. Well then how about that trip?" He asked picked me up so my legs were around his waist and my arms were around his neck. I chuckled and just said,"Where to?"

"Vegas." He said biting his lip.

"Why not? I guess." I said and he kissed me. I honestly did my best to act like I was so into the kiss but I wasn't.

"We leave tomorrow morning, start packing." He said setting me down. I actually just stood there while he went upstairs and started biting my fingers. I heard something upstairs and put my hand on my forehead.

"Justin Drew Bieber!" I screamed.

"Sorry babe, I had to." He said and I shook my head as this boy literally had thee grossest fart ever.

"My future husband." I said laughing.

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