twenty one.

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Emilee's POV

Madison is now reaching her point of walking, it's been a couple of months since the ceremony and Maddie just got bigger every moment.

The one thing that has me absolutely concerned was that Justin and I aren't good.

"Emilee wait!" Justin said turning me around.

"Justin please I just want to go home and forget this week." I begged.

"Em you can't even look at me in the eye.." He blurted out.

"I'm upset okay! I'm sorry, I'm doing all that I can, just please tell me if you're over me.." I said.

"Emilee are you serious right now?" He said looking angrier than ever.

"I didn't mean it that wa—."

"I married you and you want to even question is I'm over you?!" He screamed. I felt like crying. I didn't mean to make him upset. I was just confused.

"Justin I'm sorry, I'm just confused.. You've been out and about for awhile now." I said.

"You really asked me that, I don't think I'll forget that." He said.

"Justin, please I'm sorry." I said.

"Now I can't even stand to look at you." He mumbled and left.

I still get upset over that day. Like we're still together taking care of Maddie but it hasn't felt the same since. The only time we're happy is because of Maddie. Besides that he's out and I'm out here crying but I stopped doing it because Madison is getting older and she's starting to talk.

Her first word? Daddy. She loves her father that's for sure.

"Hey, I'll be back. Gonna go do a photo shoot for the new album." He said pecking my lips and then he started heading out..

"Can you meet me at our spot?" I asked. He stopped and then turned around.

"Why?" He said confused.

"Just please, go, 5:30pm." I faintly said. He looked and me and just nodded as he left the room.

My insides started to feel all weird and fuzzy. Something I've felt for way too long now and I can't take it. This is something I didn't ask for and someone I didn't ask to marry.

I grabbed my things and started heading out. I still had a lot of time left so I did something I havent done in a long time. I called Selena to meet up with me for lunch. I wasn't even hungry I just called her for lunch because I needed to see her. I've seen her so little and I know shes busy enough, but we always managed to figure things out.

I got in the car, and set the things in the back. Madison was asleep in my arms and I was thankful. She'e old enough to almost start asking questions, but shes ond enough to know if I'm sad or crying because she hugs me and gives me a kiss.

I placed her in her car seat and then got myself in mine.. I'm kidding, I just put my seatbelt on and headed towards a place called Solorazono's Palace. Dumb that I couldn't concentrate. I'm a person who says to never drive with a mind full of wonder because it can damage you physically if something ends up happening to you or anyone else. I look into the mirror and see that my baby is still asleep and i smile. I never want her to feel pain. She's gonna grow up and feel pain either way. I just don't want my baby girl to ever feel like there's so much pain in the world that she cant come to me or anyone and i have to figure out some heartbreaking news about her.

I park my car and grip the steering wheel. My hands start to get pail as i grip harder just trying my best not to cry. i rock back and forth for a second until i received a text from her that she was outside. I quickly shake every feeling away and i get out the car. I grab Madison and carry her to out table. I side hug her and sit down. We both just sat silently for a seond and then she started.

"I swear nothing happened and I'm over him. He did it to protect you." Selena mumbled.

"Im not here because of that, I miss you, I need you." I said and she gave me a questioning nod.

"Whats wrong?" she asked concerned.

"I don't know, I just need you to do me a big favor and watch her for a couple of hours, maybe even less honestly, I just need to talk to him." I begged.

She gave me a look and then nodded, "I'm always going to be here for you Em, dont ever hesitate to call me. Just go, Ill take her. Go get ready." She spoke and i just hugged onto her tightly. This was extremely short and it was super meaningful. Selena and I haven't really talked in so long; it would be awkward or just a simple Hey how are you? 

Justin's POV

I got a phone call from Em telling me to meet her in our recent spot and so I did. I had been waiting here the pass 20 minutes just waiting for her to show up. I couldn't blame her, it was slightly far from our place so I just waited here for now.

I was roaming with many thoughts and what was going to happen, I didn't quite understand. I mean I was just hoping it wasn't bad. We aren't the best but, we could get through whatever we were going through, I just couldn't handle the not knowing how she felt or if there's more to then what she tells me.

I turn my head as I hear a car door slam. She had a coat on as it started to sprinkle slightly with warm drops of water. I planned on standing up but she gave me a look as to stay sitting down and so I did.

"So what's this about?" I blurted as she laid her body up against the tree stump. She looked down and just fumbled with her fingers.

Ever second, every breathe that was taken, was another battle. Not for me, but for her. I could see it, her eyes were full of darkness and not the light I saw when I married her, when I met her, when Maddie was born.

She took a slight breathe and then started,"What happened to us? Before we even got married? Because I honestly don't even feel like us, like you're a stranger, we've never been like this before and I'm tired of this. Whatever this is."

She looked at me for a slight moment, but then she looked back down, I couldn't tell if she was gonna cry or not and that says a lot. I know every little thing about her and I didn't even notice that she was full of so much darkness.

"I have nothing left to say, but that I'm sorry and I can just do my best to do better for us, for you, for myself. We got married really young." I said and that caught her in a big web that wasn't even there. I shouldn't have said that.

"So we got married too early? Do you regret it?" She said agitated.

"I love you, I love our daughter.." I tried to say but she started laughing and then she looked into my eyes and then I could see she had been crying. She was crying.

"I know you do.." she said grabbing my hand. "I know we can do so much more for all of us, but I just had to speak to you about it, I had to feel it, you had to feel it, I know you're trying." She spoke and I felt this warm feeling in my heart I haven't felt in awhile. This was the girl I married. The understanding love of my life. She had been the one.

A/N: I'm writing probably no more than 3-7 more chapters left of this. I've been active, I've been editing my stories. I just don't have ideas for this story anymore and I'm giving you guys the finale of this book, of my first sequel and then I'll work on my Harry styles, by January 2017 I will write another Justin Bieber story. Promise that for sure. As of now though, this story is coming to an end and I'm sorry.

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