tweleve .

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Justin's POV

Everything started spinning. Like literally I can't recall what had just happened. Everything I did felt like it was in slow motion. My head was pounding and all I could think about was Emilee. I needed to get to Emilee.

I slowly look down to see my phone light up and I could barely recognize it but I knew that it said Emilee. She's not the reason for this happening. If anything it was the stupid ass guy who seemed to be texting and driving.

Everything just hurt really bad and I felt my body giving out. I started thinking about everything. How I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful life and how I'm gonna marry Em in a little over a week. Will I make it though is the question? Is this what dying felt like? Did it make you think about life and your past? I couldn't tell, because by now I'd passed out in my crush car as I bleed my life away.

Emilee's POV

Here I am rummaging through all my shit because my wedding is in a little over a week and I'm stressing out. I haven't even found my dress nor have I found the venue. Justin and I are suppose to look for one later today. I've gotten Madison's clothes and North and Penelope's dress and basket. I already sent it to them.

Kendall and Kylie are going shopping for the dresses later and I'm just going to meet up with them later.

Justin went shopping for his things so he's with Maejor and Khalil. Even Rudy showed up. He said he finished and the tux would be sent to our house writhing the next few days. Not to mention we bought the rings yesterday and they're super cute. Oh gosh I sound way to girly. They're amazing. I love them. Jaxon was the ring boy and Jazzy didn't want to be a thing. She told me that all she wanted to do was pull Madison down the aisle and so I said yes. Selena is my maid of honor and I'm not sure who Justin's best man is.

Selena is trying to get me to have a bachelorette party but I've refused. Justin's going out with the boys which is gonna be some story. Pattie's going to be in town that night so she's begging me to go and leave her with Madison so I'm kind of thinking about it.

I looked at the time and thought how Justin should have been home by now, but her really wasn't. Where could he be? I decided to text him because I knew that the car would read the text. Didn't like him texting and driving.

Something didn't feel right though as time went by. It went from 5 minutes to 10 minutes to an hour. Kylie and Kendall are waiting for me by now and I just couldn't give my senses to it.

"Selena can you do me a favor?" I said into the phone.

"Em what's wrong?" She asked.

"Just please come get Madison or at least stay here until I go get Justin." I said.

"Aren't you suppose to be with him already?" She asked.

"Selena please." I begged.

"I'm in my way. Be there in 10-15." She said and hung up. I texted him again just freaking out. 10 minutes passed by which felt like forever and that's when I texted scooter.

E: Do you know where Justin is?

S: Isn't he suppose to be with you?

E: Never mind.

S: Is everything alright?

Then my phone rang. It was private but I answered it in case it was him.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, is this Emilee Lockwood?" A lady asked and my heart stopped beating. My eyes went wide and I couldn't believe the words I was now hearing. It couldn't be. They had it all wrong.

"Yes this is me." I said.

"I'm sorry to say this but your fiancé Justin Bieber was in a horrible car accident. He's in critical condition but we need you to come right away." She said and I dropped my phone. The door bell rang.

I answered it as I grabbed my keys with tears steaming my eyes.

"What's wrong?!" Selena asked.

"J-j-Justin's been in an accident, I gotta go to the hospital." I said freaking out.

"Woah hold up! You can't drive like this! I'll drive you."  She said heading towards Madison's room.

"No! I need you to take care of Madison for me please." I said and ran out the door. Yeah it probably wasn't the best idea for me to be driving right now but I did it anyways. In fact, I was shocked I didn't get a ticket. I live in Los Angeles and I'm speeding. The gods were in my hands today must I say.

I booked it to the hospital and literally parked my car where I honestly felt like it. I didn't care if it got towed or whatever. Okay now I'm exaggerating. I parked it in two slots of parkings. I ran inside and asked for him.

"He's in room 358 floor 3b." She said and I ran. I pushed the elevator buttons like it was a game on who can push them the fastest. The doors opened and I felt happier than ever. I ran down two hallways and the finally found the room but my heart broke when I saw him so lifeless and broken. He didn't look like he had an broken bones. He just had a small line with stitches on his forehead.

"I see you're here Mrs. Lockwood. You're fiancé was in critical condition and now he's a lot better. Truthfully, it's up to him to wake up, but he should be able to. We did all that we could." He said and I just nodded my head. He nodded back and then closed the door for privacy.

I looked at him and stroked his cheek. I couldn't do it, I just held his hand lightly just angry because I wanted him to wake up.

"Wake up Justin." I said.

"Ass hole you can't leave me before our wedding.." I said crying.

"Baby come back please, you don't look like yourself." I said. "We were suppose to go look for the venue.. Dammit Justin what happened.."

"Was it me? Did I text you and you looked at it while driving? Is this my fault?" I asked and then I started questioning myself like crazy.

Is this my fault. Did I do this to Justin? I just wanted to know where he was? I didn't want to get him into a hospital, and that's when I pulled out my phone to get a bunch of text from Pattie.

P: 4 Attachments, please tell me my baby boy is okay. He won't text me back.

And then I lost it. I saw the picture of his car and his body so lifeless and bloody in the gurney. The car was flipped over and it was just a horrible scene to look at. Who did this?

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