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Emilee's POV

Justin left and said he was going to get food. We literally just got here. He usually ask if anything, and he got us an expensive ass hotel room that delivers 24 hour room service and he knew that.

I wasn't the one sneaking around now, it was him. I mean I don't want to be too quick to judge, it's just rare when I see Justin like that.

E: Babe please come back, I need to tell you something.

J: Be there soon beautiful

Except that be there soon, turned into an extra hour. Now I was hungry so I just ended up ordering room service not knowing when he'd be back.

During that small portion of time, I was eating and Madison was just laying down staring off into whatever land she wants to. She just kept staring off into space and then she'd play with her stuffed animal. I would laugh in between eating because she was just so damn cute. I started flipping through the channels when I went through my favorite. ENews! I was about to change the channel because they were so annoying. But then I heard a familiar name.

"Justin Bieber landed in Las Vegas about a few hours ago insiders say. Not soon after he was seen to be having dinner with Hailee Baldwin. But where's Emilee Lockwood, soon to be wife?" The stupid ass bitch said and turned the channel off. I put the baby pillow around be and placed Madison in between my lap. She started laughing which made me laugh. I grabbed the bottle and started feeding her.

"You have to stop making me pump baby girl, my boobs hurt." I said laughing and so did she.

"So you understand don't you." I said. She continued drinking. "It's okay. I'm not mad at your dad. I should be, but I'm not."

Then right on cue, Justin came in without any food. "Where's the food?" I asked and I could tell he was nervous. I started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked shutting the door.

"I'm not mad Justin." I said and he looked confused. "Mad about what?" He said and I swore if he kept lying then I'd be mad.

"Cut the shit. I know you were with Haille." She said and he came and sat next to me while I was still feeding Madison. She tried to look at Justin and held her arms out so I picked her up and handed her to Justin.

"Em in so sorry." He started but I just said it.

"I'm not mad because I can understand where you came from. I saw Kendall the other day.." I said looking down.

"You did what!" He said standing up. "Why?"

"He had some info for me and I just left. I don't know why I went and I do know why but I did and I'm sorry for not telling you." I said.

"Emilee what the hell! How could you do that and not tell me! You know how I feel about him! Especially him!" He said getting louder and I was taken back by the way he was reacting.

"You mean the way you didn't tell me about Hailee?" I said shitting him up. "Even though you know the way I feel about her."

"I was doing it to get out of a contract. I signed a stupid contract the other day and it was a scam by Hailee." He said.

"And I wanted to know what the hell he was doing out of jail. I filed for another restraining order on him." I said and he still looked pissed.

"If I can understand where you're coming from then you should be able to understand where I'm coming from." I said.

"We came here so I could fix this." Justin said laying Madison down on the bed. I grabbed her because she finished her bottle and need to be burped. I put a towel over my shoulder and stood up patting her back.

"That makes the situation so much better because this trip was for her and not your family." I said raising an eyebrow. By now I knew I'd gotten to him and he was just ready to give up. My phone buzzed and I picked it up from the counter.

M: We need to talk. I'm in Vegas. I'm waiting outside your hotel. Bring Madison if you want.

So I did. I grabbed her bag and my jacket.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"With Maejor, he needs to talk to me. I promise I'll be back. I'm not mad. I just need some air." I said pecking his cheek even though he seemed mad.

I heard him mumbled under his breathe"Fucking Maejor."

I just shook my head and walked through the hallways and into the elevator. The moment I walked through the elevator into the hallway I saw Maejor.

"Oh my gosh hey! I missed you." We both said hugging each other.

"Look at this cutie." Maejor said making Madison say her baby words which mainly just came out like "Aaaa!"

He helped me out her in the car and I set the rest of the stuff in the back. I stayed in the front and texted Justin.

E: I love you, I'll be back in an hour u promise.

And I ended up getting no response so I was kind of taken back. I sighed and then Maejor looked at me.

"He'll come around. He's just being a dick." Maejor said.

"I'm not even mad at him because I did the same and saw Kendall." I said and he looked at me.

"You both should really tell each other the truth." Maejor said.

"And I was, but then he kept leaving every chance I could get but I know I did wrong. I'm not even mad at him." I said.

"Well I'm surprised but I'm also not. You really love him and you wouldn't want something so big yet so small get in the way." Maejor said and then I noticed him turning around.

"Well you know so I can't say much else to you, go work it out." He said and drive me back to the hotel. The moment we got back I found a note on the door.

Put on the robes.

I'm sorry babe

I love you


I laughed as I put on the robe for me and for Madison. I laughed the moment he came outside with his King robe.

He then kissed me o the lips and said,"I'm sorry. I was overreacting. Promise we tell each other everything. I love you."

"I love you too and I promise." I said and we ended up ordering room service for like 3 hours full of desert and watched movies. Hands down one of the best things ever.

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