nineteen .

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Emilee's POV

As we got back from Hawaii, Justin and I noticed to have gotten some kind of food poisoning. We didn't know exactly what it was, but thankful Maddie didn't have to go through this. It was terrible. We've been sick since. Well I mean it's been 24 hours.

Justin seems to be getting better, but me on the other hand I'm not feeling better. No I'm not pregnant again, I made sure of it. Maybe in a year or so. I'm not sure I just don't want another kid right now. So I'm not pregnant just to clarify.

"Babe, bring me back a soup from Panera Bread please!!" I said as he took Maddie with him. Everyday she gets bigger and bigger and I'm already like stop growing up so quickly. Even though I'll say that all through elementary and then once puberty hits her I'll just be like hurry the fuck up already. Girls are the worst on their periods. Not always though. Some girls get it worse than others. Some are monthly and some are irregular, who knows what Maddie will be like. I mean if she's like her father she's gonna be a little bitch about it.

I start looking at through all my stuff on my MacBook. The usually considering I'm sick and can't do anything. Besides having really bad stomach pain, I'm super anxious. I'm not sure if it just goes along with it, but I don't know.

Maybe I was being paranoid and maybe I wasn't, but suddenly I could understand why.

"What the hell are you doing here and how'd you get in?" I said facing Kendall.

"You got married." Kendall said.

"And that's a shocker to you?" I said getting up. "Why am I even having this convo with you, leave or I'm calling the cops."

"No! Please don't! I'm sorry I snuck in this way, but you've ignored my calls and emails. Like everything." Kendall said.

"So that gives you a free card to break and enter into my home. If Justin was here he'd kill you, and you know that." I said, I sat back down because I got dizzy.

"Woah, are you okay?" Kendall asked getting closer but I pushed him back.

"Get the hell away from me, Kendall what do you want from me? We're far past, our past. Let it go. Want me to forgive you? I forgive you! Just leave! Stay out of my life forever!" I said grabbing my water but it slipped. I felt like I was going to black out soon.

"Emilee, you gotta get to the hospital." He said.

"I'm fine! I'm just super anxious and you're making me nervous. Not to mention I'm sick so I'm already weak do just leave." I said.

I saw him send a text to someone and then he looked at me

"I just want to say, your time is coming up close. Soon, you and your family won't be safe. I'm not threatening you, but those creepy messages, I get them too. Except I'm well.." He started.

"Well?" I asked.

"I'm um.. Well, I'm su-suppose to drug you. Do stuff. Make you paranoid." He said.

"Good job. I'm paranoid. Now get out. I'm calling the cops." I said grabbing my phone. He sighed looking at me and then left through my front door I'm guessing. I sighed and just zoned out for a moment. At first I didn't know what I was thinking about, I was just in my own world.

Then I started thinking about what Kendall had told me this time and the last time. I don't know who would be so obsessed with me or threaten me. I don't understand how it's connected to much with Kendall. All I could think of was my father but it couldn't be. I know it couldn't. He said he was in jail and he's not from the time Kendall was and all. I don't know.

Boom. I heard the door slam open and a bag drop on a counter.

"Emilee!" Justin said.

"Here." I mumbled weakly.

"Where is he?" He asked paranoid.

"Put Madison in her room, you're nearly screaming and she's dead ass knocked out in your arms." I said annoyed.

"Why'd Kendall send me this?" He asked showing me the text coming from my phone.

"He showed up a–." I started but got interrupted.

"He what?!" Justin said coming back into the room without Maddie.

"Would you let me finish!" I said annoyed. I hated when he would interrupt me. It was understandable but some things just bug me.

"He came to warn me, not about him, about someone else. I don't know anything else. Kendall's not coming back so don't even bother." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna give him something." Justin said with anger in his eyes.

"You're not gonna do shit." I said.

"Baby, c'mon." He started.

"Don't baby me. I'm irritated and annoyed with you right now. I might just be annoyed with myself so thanks for the food. I'll eat it later. I'm gonna take a nap." I said annoyed. I grab the blankets and put them over me. I didn't necessarily fall asleep, I kind of just zoned off. Wasn't sure what I wanted to think of or do. I was full of confusion right now.

"I love you." He mumbled and then left the room.

Justin's POV

I walked out the room and just thought to myself, how is it that these two crazy fuckers come back into our lives at the same time. We both got married and we're happy, but somehow there's always people trying to ruin us. Except for her it's her crazy ex and for me it's my crazy ex crush. Not Hailee.. Nah I'm fucking with ya'll. It's her.

I want to talk to Selena about it personally. A one on one. At one point we were all good friends, but her and Selena had pulled some crazy shit. Then I'm gonna talk to Kylie because they're fucking close as hell. Some things aren't my place to do but when it comes to my family, mess with them, and you mess with me. Don't fuck with us. Bieber family.

A/N: I'm back, and it feels great. I should be updating tomorrow but forsure this weekend. I'll do a couple chapters. Love love you guys and sorry for the break.

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