fourteen .

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This is a two part chapter. Here's part 1 (:

Emilee's POV

"Thank you Pattie again for taking care of Madison." I said on the phone.

"You have fun my love. Thank you for letting me spend time with my granddaughter." She said and hung up the phone. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and then I thought how I was missing one thing. Setting spray. Setting spray is a must especially if I'm going to be out for a majority of the night.

Okay one thing I don't understand much about these bachelorette parties. You have a wedding the next day after partying all night with your friends. I think that's horrible because then everyone's tired and hungover. That's so gross. Some people can just Handel it all without sleep and I praise them. They deserve a gold medal because I'm going to be tired as shit tomorrow. Thank gosh the wedding is in the afternoon and not in the morning.

I really can't believe it though, I'm getting married tomorrow. The day has finally come. It's been a wild journey and it's just absolutely crazy. Everything Justin and I've been through. I'll leave all the memories and notes for tomorrow though.

Now time to get my groove on. I thought to myself how I didn't even want this party and now I'm more ready than ever.

"Baby please change." He begged.

"Take a picture with me babe." I said taking pictures and he just chuckled."I'm not changing."

"I know you aren't, you just look way to bomb to not be in my arms tonight." He said reminding me that we're staying at separate hotels tonight. I giggled as I came up with something in my mind.

I pushed Justin onto the bed and climbed onto of him. His eyes went wide but he smiled which made me laugh. I placed my lips on his. Our lips had a trace of love through every move, every second, every minute. Yes this was a full on make-out session. I was sort of playing with him so I placed my hands on his torso and started putting my hair up.

The door bell rang. I kissed his lips and hopped off.

"What the hell Emilee!" He said sexually frustrated. I think.

"Love you, see you tomorrow. Touch a bitch and you won't have a dick! Have fun!" I screamed going downstairs and leaving but I stopped because the boy thought he was being funny.

"Good thing I already have Madison." He said and I shut the door and ran upstairs. I stood right in front of him and said,"Take that back."

He looked at me smirking. Then he pointed at me and said,"You better behave tonight."

I turned around to hearing the girls honking from the party bus and so I headed downstairs with Justin smacking my ass

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I turned around to hearing the girls honking from the party bus and so I headed downstairs with Justin smacking my ass.

"I hate you!" I screamed.

"I love you more." He said softly and faintly but I heard it.

I walked into the party bus to the girls greeting me like crazy. "What took you so long?" They asked.

"Justin wanted to be a smartasss so I told him he's not gonna have anymore kids or a dick if he tries something tonight." I said laughing and they aw'd to my surprise.

"Aww you want more kids?" Gigi said. Yes Gigi Hadid.

I blushed as I thought about it and I nodded my head. "Of course I do." And they all nudged me and made an eye which made me laugh.

"Okay where to first?" I asked and that's when Kendall stood up with a blindfold and I got annoyed.

"I didn't spend hours on contouring and doing my make-up for you to mess it up." I said and then she stopped.

"Did you apply setting spray?" She asked.

"Yeah why?" I asked. Then she placed it over my eyes and said,"Then you'll be fine, sort of." She said laughing.

I don't understand the purpose of this honestly. "Well first of all, damn hot mama you look hella bomb." Kylie said.

"I wanna look like you after having a kid." Selena said. Then suddenly the bus stopped.

"We stopped already?" I asked too soon. I then noticed the music got louder and the door opened. I was freaking out a bit, I have paranoia, who could blame me and then I feel someone place my hands on their body.

"Magic Mike men get it!" Kylie screamed and the blindfold came off and the bus picked up its pace. I started laughing because the first thing they wanted to do is Male strippers. How fun.

They handed me a shot and I took it. I could handle a shot. Like I said, not too much or else my wedding is going to be miserable.

The male stripper was doing its thing. Funniest part is that the song Genuine came on. That's when I knew shit was getting serious. Everyone had a stripper on the besides the Jenner's because they were too busy throwing fake dollar bills.

"Kylie you should be throwing some real dollars hunny. You're lip kits are $40 per kit!" I said laughing.

"Not anymore. I'm going out of business." Kylie said. Then I pushed the stripper into Kendall and asked her why.

"My lip kits are too similar to ColourPop and I have too many bad reviews now. My black lipstick wouldn't even come off people's lips." She said laughing historically.

"No way!" I screamed.

"Yes way." She said laughing and soon we were all cracking up.

"Justin is gonna kill me if you post that Selena don't your dare!" I said laughing as all the strippers hovered me. "Oh gosh I'm gonna need more cash to give them." I said putting it in their pants. I didn't touch anything I promise I didn't.

The bus stopped and the strippers left as we entered a club. I now had a Bachelorette crown which was annoying because I didn't want to wear it but oh well. I ordered light drinks because I wanted to enjoy this night, I didn't want to enjoy it too much though. I have a soon to be husband to get to and a daughter to take care of.


"Bitch you funny!" I said stumbling to the room as Selena and I just kept laughing at nothing.

"And then he way like, Luke, I am your father!" Selena said laughing. I could see Gigi laughing at us, her sister drunk as hell and the Jenner's had seem to be singing Boss Ass Bitch.

I looked over at Kylie laughing and that's when she ran to the bathroom.

"Oh honey! You're that wasted." I said.

"We haven't even had a piece of my dick cake or dick lollipops. They're flavored!" I said seriously.

"Ethan isn't going to like this." Selena said laughing.

"He's probably with a bunch of female strippers with Justin anyways." Kendall said laughing. I looked at her and started laughing.

"Trueee." I slurred and fell on the bed. We all took our heels off and were in different sides of sleeping. We weren't sleeping in normal positions. We were at like 45, 78 degree angles from the bed. Some legs were hanging, some of us were upside down but we didn't care because we were tired. Oh boy, tomorrow would definitely be rushed.

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