Chapter 3- So much for "I Never"

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Truce POV

I had just woken up to the best sleep of my entire life, Laurent had actually taken it there with me and made love to me. Well, sort of if oral and finger sex counts as sex. I know one thing for sure I experience my 1st orgasm, so I wasn't all the way a virgin anymore and it felt damn good especial since it was with Lau. I could only imagine what the full sex with him would be like. I heard the phrase sprung before and kind of experience it through Nala acting fool crazy towards Diablo after they had sex, but now I fully understood her.

Nala at one time made me sick with her need for Diablo, after "she said" he had her speaking in tongues their 1st time. She was so clinging to him and so possessive, at one point I had to wonder if Diablo's penis had some kind of magical dust, because Nala was a completely different person. She was addicted to him. After what I just experience with Laurent I could see why I instantly felt sad and lonely when I rolled over this morning to see he wasn't there. I knew he had to meet with Larry very early but I couldn't help but crave for his presents again.

I now also understood Nala's possessive ways towards Diablo. As I sat here reliving this early morning's events, I ponder three things. One did Lau enjoyed last night as much as I did since I hadn't had the chance to touch him back and was he thinking of me like I was of him. Two, How I so badly wanted more of what he gave me last night and how I had to find a way to make him completely mines; Which lead me to my next thought. And three, How I would hate for him to be doing what he did with me to someone else; no I have to find a way for Lau to give us a chance, my emotions depended on it.

My house phone rang and snap me out of my thoughts. I immediately rolled over to grab it hoping it was Lau since he was the only one who called me the most now a day. I didn't have many friends outside of Lau, Nala and the crew, maybe a couple from school and my intern program which was for my studies of a Ph.D. in dental hygiene (totally my parent's idea). Yeah, I was always partly fascinated with the whole dentist thing growing up, but my 1st love believe it or not was to become a photographer, or dancer and lastly a dental hygienist if all failed. But my mom basically begged me to study a more "promising career" (so she called it) and my dad threaten to not help pay for my apartment with Nala throughout school if I didn't make his money worth it. So yeah back on topic I had very fewer friends from not much of a social life, besides Criminalz Crew, due to my studies and back to me now answering my phone which I assumed was Lau.

T: "Hello"

C: (caller) "Do you see what time it is?"

T: (Me looking at my alarm clock next to my phone that read 5:15PM) "Oh shit he really put my ass to sleep huh. I basically slept most of the day away and I barely sleep." I thought to myself with an impressed look on my face.

C: "Um hello, earth to Truce."

T: "Oh sorry, who is this? Nala?"

N: "Yes! You know I'm your only friend stop playing." She chuckled and I rolled my eyes at her somewhat true statement. "Stop rolling your eyes at me and get your butt up Truce." I laughed forgetting that I and her also shared somewhat of a knowing telepathy connection from being around one another since our diaper days.

T: "You don't know me." I laughed causing her to chuckle a little then get back to being serious.

N: "Baby bring your ass down here now before our great grouchy leaders Lau and Speed start complaining, you still have 45 mins to get here. I don't want to have to curse them out for you and me being the only girl these guys gang up on. You know how hard they are on us Tru." I Laughed at her "grouchy" statement, it was no secret that Lau and Speed (A.K.A Speedy Legz or Speedy) were the sternest two of the crew, who enforced all the rules.

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