Chapter 5- Again

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Truce POV

The first time we ever got a chance to be alone we knew

That it was wrong to do

I guess that's why I was drawn to you

The 2nd time leads to the 3rd, the 5th, the 7th time

I feel so alive, it won't last but it's alright

Fleeting joy and fading ecstasy, here it goes again, oh

Sneaking fruit from the forbidden tree, sweet taste of sin

And I'm doing it again

Yes, I'm doing it again

Oh, I'm doing it again

I said it would end but here it goes again.........

John Legend's Again played sweetly in my ear when I suddenly felt Milan nudging me to wake up. I pretended to be in a deep sleep but the truth was I wasn't. Honestly, I hadn't had a good night sleep since I read Nala's letter, which flooded my mind of Paris and of course of him. I knew why Milan was now nudging me. She was confirming what all my anxiety since this flight was about. We had landed in Paris.

"Mon Cherie amour (My darling love) we are now in France," she said with yet again a terrible deliverance of a French accent.

"Oh! putain juste grand (just fucking great)," I said with my eyes still close.

"I not sure what you said but it sounded bad," She laughed which caused me to chuckled, open my eyes and sigh.

"I said yes!... I'm so happy.... were here," I lied

"Liar I'm not that dumb, I know "content" means happy in French." We both Laughed. "So who is picking us up?" she asked while grabbing our bags from overhead.

"My mom or Dad," again I sigh

"What? you don't like your parents?' she chuckled

"No, it's not like that.... It's just- my dad can tend to be a little boring; he doesn't talk much. But my mom's the complete opposite, she has such a takeover spirit. You'll see, this whole trip she will be asking me about my dental career, if I finally came to my senses, am I getting enough sleep. Oh gosh! and it doesn't help that Nala is getting married, my mom will be meddling in my love life this whole visit. I rolled my eyes at the thought of my mother as Milan laughed at my dramatics.

"Good, I like her already.... You do need to meet someone Truce."

"Ok well let see how much you like my mom when you meet one of these sexy French men, and wanna take him home for the night; Then my mom starts cock blocking and preaching about marriage first." I rushed out with a grin. Milan raised a confused eyebrow.

"And how would your mom be around to cock block?"

"Because we are staying with my parents," I rushed out again with an innocent smiled.

"Trucccccceeee no! I am not trying to be babysitted during this whole vacation in Paris. I am trying to have this whole.... world wind romance and sex is such a part of that." She pouted which caused me to laugh out loud. By now we were at the bag claim section and Milan was still pouting.

"Mil you have to understand my mom wouldn't have it any other way. I'm barely home and she would take such offense to us staying at a hotel." Her mood slighted changed but not good enough. "Ok listen you have my word, that if you meet someone and your fairy tale romance leads to sex (I laughed), I'll pay for the hotel room," I rushed the last part out.

"But what if we have a full blown breakfast, shower, sex, lunch, shower, sex and more sex over dinner?" She teasingly grinned as I scarfed my face.

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