Chapter 19- Both Inside and Out (Full Chapter)

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For Your Love Chapter 19- Both Inside and Out (Full Chapter)

Laurent POV

(Flash Back)

For a while, to love was all we could do

We were young and we knew, and our eyes were alive

Deep inside we knew our love was true

For a while we paid no mind to the past

We knew love would last

Every night somethin' right

Would invite us to begin the dance

Somethin' happened along the way

What used to be happy was sad

Somethin' happened along the way

And yesterday was all we had

Oh, after the love has gone

How could you lead me one

And not let me stay around?

Oh, after the love has gone

What used to be right is wrong

Can love that's lost be found?.....

Earth, Wind and Fire's- After the Love Has Gone played in our ears as we finally reached our destination. I turned the music down and looked over towards an already staring Truce.


"Oh nothing," she lied as I winked my eye at her only to be rewarded with her beautiful face lighting up and blushing. "Damn she's beautiful," I thought to myself as I hopped out the car and walked over to her side.

"Where are we Lau?" She asked while grabbing my hand and exiting the car.

"No worry for that. Just close you eyes and grab hold of my hand tight Mon Amour (My Love)," I spat as her eyes beamed with such happiness that I'd be lying if I said I didn't long for.

5 mins Later

(Deeper in the woods)

"Lau my feet hurt," she complained.

"I told you to take them off or let me carry you," I joked referring to her shoes.

"No my dress is too cute to get wrinkled and I have to wear these sexy shoes with it all night or I won't look right without them," she contested as I rolled my eyes at her girly, stubbornness, dramatic problems. "Where are we going anyway," she whined.

"We are almost there just no open you eyes," I chuckled.

"Lauuuu," she whined again as I laughed.

"Ok open you eyes," I demanded as she took in our surroundings with an awe expression.

"Omgness Lau I'm going to cry," she confessed as her eyes started to well up.

"You better not you gonna mess up you beautiful makeup Baby," I contested.

"Oh, so you think I'm beautiful, huh?" She asked while getting so close to me that I could smell the mixed scent of mint and the vanilla cake we last ate at her prom on her breath. I quickly turned away while stopping myself from my (wanted ) next move as her facial features wore a look laced with disappointment.

It was no secret that Truce had a thing for me and as badly as I did too, I knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

"Just come on," I chuckled as she sighed. I knew she was growing tired of my running from what was obviously growing between us. I loved her and she loved me but I knew I wasn't ready yet. Les Twins was starting to take off and with the fame came an enormous amount of women. I knew both me and Larry's behavior wasn't acceptable in a committed relationship and especially not in one with Truce. She deserved better then I had to offer at this moment. I was having too much fun and had no plans to be tied down and so for that reason, I knew the best thing between Truce and I were to remain just friends.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now