Chapter 14- Just Me and You

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Chapter 14- Just Me and You

Hey Guys, this chapter is dedicated to you roseemanuella. Just because of your beautiful comment I was so motivated to finish this chapter. I hope you enjoy hun and again thank you so much.

Truce POV

I stared at Larry a bit contemplating on pushing the issue, but the wink he gave me followed by his adorable smile made me instead, pat kiss him, smile bright and drop the subject. I mean we had to trust each other right? Besides, he did confess about the Lylah fling and told me about the conversation with Lau. Larry was proving himself to be trustworthy. I mean granted, it was a couple of bumps getting the truth, like Lylah being the one to drop the bomb 1st and him acting out before telling me about Lau's mind games; But none the less he came clean each time and for that I decided to trust him.

"There you are," said an excited Milan as Larry and I exited the restroom. "Really guys the bathroom?" She joked when she noticed our love-struck faces. Larry and I just looked at each other, with cheesing smiles, like two teenagers in love. We somehow shared a secret message that we would leave Milan to her imagination because both of us ignored and didn't bother to contest her assumptions.

"What's up Mil?" I asked still on cloud nine.

"You really ready for this?" she asked while sighing and shrugging her shoulders. I nodded my head as a response. "Well it's the magazine, we are about to lose the Beyoncé deal," She rushed as my eyes grew in worry.

"What! Why?" I yelped.

"Wait you were shooting with Monster?" Asked a confused Larry.

"Yes we were supposed to, but from what Mil is telling me I don't know. Like what's happening Mil?"

"Well from what Deborah (My secretary) is telling me, is Beyoncé doesn't want to shoot with anyone but you and if you're not the photographer then she wants out." She rushed.

"Well did anyone from our camp inform her that we are attending my best friend's wedding?" I asked the silly question out of worry as Larry rubbed my shoulders.

"Of course they did Truce, but Beyoncé wants what Beyoncé wants and she wants you. Which leads me to the next thing I have to tell you that might be a plus for us," she chuckled.

"Please because we can't lose this deal. Having Beyoncé on the cover is major," I rushed still a tad bit worry.

"Well, Deborah also said, that Beyoncé said, that she doesn't mind flying to Paris to do the shoot," she spat excitingly, as my eyes grew wide with my own excitement and relief.

"Oh thank goodness," I said as I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "When can she come?"

"In two days," she spat as my face dripped with a bit of worry again.

"That's still not enough time Mil. How are we going to get the pulled designer garments, accessories, and shoes, for this shoot here in that amount of time? And mind you, hair and Makeup Artist?"

"No worries I'll get on it 1st thing in the morning for hair and makeup. Maybe even see if the ones we have already can fly out here."

"More money but ok?" I spat.

"And we can get that new intern girl we just hired, what's her name Garcia, Gallardo, Gonzal-"

"You see that's rude," I chuckled cutting her off. "The girl has a 1st name you know. I keep telling you to stop calling the newbies by their last names," I finished.

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