Chapter 4- Why do we have to meet again

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4 years later

Truce POV

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in," I yelled still not taking my head from my computer.

"Truce have you taken a look at the photography submissions that I sent last night. We are so close to the deadline and I need to know what you think Ms. Editor and Chief," said Milan my assistant, creative director and now a day best friend. After things went so wrong that horrible day at the studio, I couldn't stand to be around anyone. I was severely heartbroken. Yes, I know me and Laurent weren't officially together and though I had hated Speedy that day; I am still so disgusted that Lau could have done such a thing to one of his best friends.

And why not tell me? I really thought me and Lau's bond was stronger than that. But what made matters worse is that Nala had a conversation with Jessica afterward and she revealed to her that it wasn't just a onetime thing with her and Lau, that they were actually in a full blown affair and she feared that she was pregnant. Ouch, my heart again. She also revealed that the night I practice my solo and the way Lau and I were looking at each other drove her insanely jealous and she felt she had to put an end to this affair and come out with the truth or she would lose Lau to me. She said my dancing had let off an eerie feeling that something might have happened between me and Lau and she knew that the only woman who she would lose Lau to was me.

With Nala telling me, all of this all I heard was affair and baby. I had to leave like I told Lau that night it was already getting painfully hard just to be around him and crush on him like I did, But to sit back and watch him and Jessica become parents was like living in a horror movie. I loved Lau too much and I thought he felt the same; never had Imagine or dreamed I would see him with any other person than me. Yes, it's true that I witness Lau with a lot of women over the years, from high school and up, but Lau had always made me feel more special and more important than the rest and not in just a little sister or best friend kind of way. Call me naïve but I was actually starting to believe that the reason Lau couldn't find himself in a real committed relationship was because we were destined to be together; I also thought everyone else could see it too, since almost every girl he has dated had been jealous of our relationship.

Well, long story short I moved to New York to stay instead of a visit and started working for a local magazine as a photographer, which eventually lead to me starting my own magazine company. The crew went on to WOD without me and killed the competition and as always I was so proud. After WOD the twins toured with Beyoncé and went on with their career as a duo and I barely spoke to Nala now a day. I begged her to come with me but Diablo was in love with Paris and didn't see himself living anywhere else and Nala couldn't see herself without him. With Nala so wrapped up into Blo and my career running a magazine, we barely had time for each other, which lead to us talking less and my friendship with Milan to grew and maybe because Nala reminded me of Paris might have slightly had something to do with it.

"Oh! this is a 1st, you have mail from Paris and So who do you know is writing you from Paris?" She asked with goggled eyes and a terrible accent while passing me the mail. I forgot that I didn't speak too many details about Paris with her, just the basics but nothing specific. I don't even think I told her any of their names because to talk about the crew was painful. I missed what we use to be terribly. Anytime the topic of my friends would come up between her and me, I would just brush it off or give her the same truthful excuses, "that it's a painful story to tell or I'm not ready to talk about it."

I mostly openly told her my stories of Paris pertaining to my family, which even that was too hard because Nala was such a major part of those stories. Me and Milan's relationship just mostly focused on my new life in New York. I also explained to her that Paris was a life I needed to forget for now and she respected that and here we are. Running one of the hottest Fashion Magazine in New York "JDI" which stand for Just Do It, which is a reflection of both me and Milan's attitude when starting the company, we just did it.

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