Chapter 9- When It Feels Right

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Truce POV

"You guys go in, Maman just text me. She needs me for get more ice," Lau Spat

"You sure? I mean we could ride with you, it's no problem Lau," I softly protested. Now that Lau and I had somewhat buried the hacked I suddenly felt a sense of clinginess to my old friend. The whole ride to Maman we reminisced about the past, filling Milan in about the crew and what to expect when meeting them. For once in a long time, it felt like the good ole days being with Lau. We laughed so hard and I wasn't ready for that to end just that soon.

"Oki," he cheerful smiled.

"Well, wait! You guys go on. Waydi has text me 4 times wondering if we had gotten lost," Milan chuckled.

"Ok well I'll text Larry to meet you at the door and be a great host and introduce you to everyone," I said as I took out my phone and started to text Larry.

"Ok well, hurry back guys I barely know anyone here," She rushed while exiting the car.

"Oki, ok," Lau and I answered in unison.

Text Conversation.

Me: "Hey babe"

Larry: (3 seconds later) "Baby what take you so long? Is that you at the door bell?"

Me: "No baby that Milan, I'm sorry, I am still with Lau."

Larry: ...

Me: "Baby you still there?"

Larry: "I thought my brother leave you and why is Milan here and you not?"

Me: "It's a long story baby I explain when I see you, we are just going to the store for more ice for Maman. We will be right there, ok?"

Larry: "I no like this Truce, I still not no what happened earlier with you and my twin and now you guys alone again."

Me: "Larry it's me and Lau come on babe, you can trust us, right? Surely you know that, right?

Larry: "I don't know you tell me."

Me: "Wow, Larry I would never try to hurt you and I'm sure the same for Lau. You know that, come on babe."

Larry: "What if an accident happens again? Then what?" Right then and there I realized Larry hadn't fully forgiven or gotten over the earlier events today and I was growing slightly annoyed. The store was only two blocks up so all while I was texting Larry, Lau had managed to grab the Ice and return back to the car by now.

Me: "Larry I have to go I will talk to you in a little bit, ok?"

Larry: "Sure you do, bye." By now I had grown pissed.

Me: "What is that supposed to mean Larry?"

Larry: "Nothing, bye Truce." I took note of his continuing use of my real name. Most of the time both him and Lau only referred to me by Truce, when something was wrong. Funny my name meant "peace" but was only used when other than peaceful things happened.

"Truce," he spat (You see what I mean).

"What Lau?" I snapped at him, releasing a bit of the anger I had towards his twin, at him. He threw up his surrender hands before he replied.

"You look upset, what's wrong?" I shrugged my shoulder as I just looked ahead, not making eye contact and waiting for him to drive.

"It's Larry?" he rushed.

"I'm telling you, Lau, these last two days have been the most dramatic days, I have ever had my whole 25 years of life." I said still not bothering to look at him.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now