Chapter 13- Choices

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Chapter 13- Choices

Larry POV

My chest felt like it was on the verge of explosion. Never had I ever wanted to hit my twin so bad, but at the same time, something about Laurent's words worried me. I was stuck wanting to physically shut him up and also wanting a sympathy hug from him. It's true I did worried if Truce still loved Lau like she did before. I questioned if love like that could ever really die.

But then again look at me and Lylah. She was my everything once upon a time, but now I was so ready to leave her for an even better girl. Here I was stuck confused and hurt at my twin's rebellion to leave me and my girl be. "Fuck," I thought.

"Larry calm down," Lau harshly whispered.

"How the fuck can I calm myself down Lau, when You telling me you won't back down. I really love her Lau. You have to do this for me brother," I pleaded. "Please let it go," I further begged.

Lau just closed his eye and slowly shook his head as I sighed with such frustration. "You so fucking selfish Laurent," I yelled as his eyes sprung open with confusion. "I do anything and always give you what you want and you deny me the one thing I ask brother why?"

"Larry you have to understand, it has always been her. I can non give you this one brother. I'm sorry," he remorsefully spat, as we stared at each other in the eyes speaking through the heart. I took a deep breath and calmly utter my next words.

"Fine we will let her decided, but brother when she chooses me you must respect it or else," I whispered as Lau slowly nodded him head.

"You must do the same Larry or suffer the loss of a twin," he spat as I looked down to the ground from the sharp pain of the thought of losing Laurent. He always took things way too far, but I nodded my head in agreeance. I looked Lau in the eyes one last time before returning to the dessert, as I started to carry them back to the dinner party.

"Fine Lau," I whispered as I passed by him only for him to grab me by the shoulder to cease my movement. I stopped but couldn't bear to turn around to look him in the eyes after his threat to ever leave me. "Yes?" I asked with my back still facing him. I heard him take a deep breath before he spoke.

"Larry I'm going to tell her about Melissa," he whispered as my eyes and mouth grew wide of shock and anger. "This mother fucker never plays fair," I thought as I slowly turned around to face his stern features. "And the mother fucker is serious too," I fumed to myself.

"Bonjour mon amour. Oh comment je vous ai manqué (Hello my love. Oh how I've missed you)," said a giggly Jessica running passed me and into Laurent's arm. His face dripped of surprise, worry, and confusion, as he stared at me for brotherly help. Before this whole trip back home I would be glad to be my brother's savior; But after the bomb, he just laid upon me, he would have to suffer this one alone.

"Karma is a bish bro," I harshly whispered as I rolled my eyes and took off back to the party.

Truce POV

"Finally boo," I playfully whispered to Larry who returned to his seat beside me. He gave a halfhearted smile and seemed bothered. I knew then it must have had something to do with Lau following him to the kitchen. "So does that offer still counts if I kick Lylah under the table," I joked still attempting to bring back the Larry he was before he left the table. Instead, he ignored me altogether and just sighed while looking at his plate. "Ok babe please tell me what's wrong," I whispered while scanning the table to see if anyone but Lylah (of course she was) was paying attention to Larry and my interaction.

I rolled my eyes back at Lylah as she quickly flipped me the bird, which no one but her and I witness. I couldn't deal with her right now, I had to tend to Larry who I noticed hadn't answered me and was still playing with his food. Before I could ask him why he was ignoring me my stomach turned into knots and my breath started to speed, as I witnessed Lau enter back into the dining room area with Jessica. I stared at Lau who was now staring at me as Jessica greeted Maman B. Suddenly Lau looked over to Larry and smirked as I followed his eyes to witness a fuming Larry.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now