Chapter 11- Us

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Chapter 11- Us

"Oh fuck my heart again."

Truce POV

Lylah's smug grin made my skin burn on fire and Larry's Shocked face made my heart race, as I grew more and more Nauseous at the second.

"Larry explain," I whispered not bothering to look at either of them as I looked down to the ground trying to control my anger. Here at Maman house wasn't the place to smack down Lylah or Larry, but they were pushing me close.

"Why does Larry have to explain anything to-,"

"Lylah Please shut up," Larry yelled cutting her off.

"Excuse me?" Lylah asked shocked at Larry's choice of words.

"You heard him shut up," I commanded.

"You got one more time to disrespect me little girl," Lylah threaten stepping forth and pointing her finger in my face.

"Or what Bitch?" I challenged taking a step as well and filling whatever remaining space was left. Before Lylah could say anything else Larry grabbed me from behind and swept me off my feet carrying me away.

"Larry put me down," I harshly whispered through gritted teeth, while Larry ignored me and continued to carry me in the house. He carried me past everyone all the way upstairs to his room before he letting me go. I didn't put up much of a fight as I usually would have. In a sense, I was kind of glad he'd swept me away from what was about to go down between me and Lylah. I respected Maman, so never would I want to kick Lylah's ass in front of both her and Lilo. But the way my pride is set up I wasn't going to back down either.

Besides after all the crying I had done today, I don't think I have any fight in me left. I just let Larry place me down on the edge of his bed and stared out the window, contemplating on how to tell Nala I yet again had to run away, because of a stupid ass Bourgeois. Larry kneeled down in front of me.

"Baby please look at me is non what you think," he whispered as the tears started to fall. I was starting to feel an unbearable pain at the thought of losing Larry to Lylah and that's when I knew I loved this fucker. "Please baby non cry.... Please look at me," he said while this time turning my chin a bit until my eyes faced his. I angrily glared at him as he wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Is it true?" I whispered. He tilted his head slightly before answering.

"Yes, it true... I sleep with her," he answered as I shut my eyes tight to control the tears. "But it's before you Truce, I swear baby," he rushed before my breathing sped up.

"That's not the major point Larry," I whispered as I slowly open my eyes to stare back at his concerned features. "Are you guys still together?"


"Do you still Love," I paused as I swallowed from having a difficult time letting the words leave my lips. I was frightened of the answer. Larry watched me with low, remorseful eyes as I took a deep breath and finished. "Do you still love her Larry?" I spat as he grinned. Larry wouldn't be Larry if he didn't tease a bit or sometimes be dramatic. Even if the situation was somewhat serious.

"You know who I love?" He asked excitedly as I took a deep breath instead of answering him. Though he was adorably cute when he got excited and his smile was everything I could live for; My heart still stung at this moment and I felt too emotionally drained to play with him. "And I know she loves me too, cause I can see it right now, in her eyes and I happy for that," he finished as I smiled, taking in all of Larry's subliminal hints.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now