Chapter 19- Both Inside and Out (Teaser)

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For Your Love Chapter 19- Both Inside and Out (Teaser) 

*Author's Note* 

Hey, guys here is just a small teaser of what's to come. I couldn't wait to show you guys. So I shared what I got so far, LOLL. Enjoy. 

Larry POV 


(Singing) "Hello? is it me you're looking for. LOLLLLL Nah just playing, you have reached Truce but unfortunately, I am unable to reach my phone at this time; But if you leave a message, I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. Love, love, love bye. Oh and P.S if this is my Baby Boo, L I love you.  

"At the tone please record your voice message, when you are finished recording you may hang up or press # (pound) for more options." 


"Baby, please answer for me, I can non take this. Please let me explain for you. Truce, I'm begging. Please baby," I pleaded while noticing that the last part of her answering machine was different than before. 

The, "Oh and P.S. if this is my Baby Boo, L I love you," Part tore a hole clear through my heart. She must have added it this morning right after returning from our special date and just before Monster's shoot. Truce was everything I could have ever wanted and she was all I felt I needed, But that was the thing. She was too good to be true and I be lying if I said I didn't still fear that theory. 

As crazy as it may sound, (I still in the back of my mind) feared that a woman as perfect as Truce was nothing short of an illusion. It's true, I still had major trust issues after my biggest heartbreak and lesson in life, Lylah. I had yet to have any major blowouts or arguments with Truce yet and I feared the outcome if ever. Is it crazy to say that I feared my own happiness? That in the back of my mind I didn't trust nor vowed to never trust fully, ever again, when it came to my heart.   


I rolled my eyes at Melissa banging on the bathroom door of my condo. I took in a deep breath in order to control the level of annoyance I felt before opening the door. 

"What are you doing in here?" She asked suspiciously.  

"Oh, so now I can non use the fucking bathroom in peace?" I stated more as a fact than a question. 

"Larry, why are you acting like this?" 

"That's the thing I am non acting. You know I come here alone, for take a break and you follow me here, why?" 

"First of all don't flatter yourself, Larry. Like I told you before, I work for JDI Magazine and if you would take the time to listen to me nowadays, you would have known that."  

"Melissa I can non take this-" 

"You never can take anything Larry," she yelled while cutting me off. "You are either always tired or always busy at work-" 

"You see that's it," I stated while now cutting her off.  

"What is it?"  

"You always try to fight with me because of my work." 

"No! I fight with you because of the evil Lynch mob you call fans." 

"Melissa please." 

"It's true Larry, you never defend me," she protested as my eyes grew wide with shock at her audacity.

"What? Are you crazy? All I do is defend you and I lose a lot of people because I do. Everybody see's and knows this except you and I tired of this shit." 

"What the fuck do you mean you're tired? You said you loved me, so you're supposed to fight with and for me Larry." 

"Yet you non fight for me," I spat while turning the tables as I shocked her into silence, which eventually led her to bat her eyes instead as a response. "It's true I always fight for you, even after you cheat on me," I confessed.  

"Larry you can't-" 

"Non let me finish," I yelled and stopping her from cutting me off. "I make everyone mad at me, for loving you and taking you back; All of my fans and even my brother, all call me a fool for stay with you and yet you try to leave me every time one thing you non like happen." 

"Larry is not like that-" 

"Please let me finish Melissa. You are supposed to love me and non try to leave me every time you see something from my fans or someone for say something you non like.  

"Then what am I supposed to do Larry, huh? It's not easy having all those people judging me for a mistake."   

"You are supposed to ignore it and just be my girl. Just love me, you non supposed to worry about what no one but me have to say about us relationship and non try to punish me for it if they do. You non the same Melissa I once loved. You treat me cold and push me away all the time now and it non matter how hard I try."  

"I'm sorry Larry, it's just that sometimes I can't take this life of being with you," she confessed as tears rolled down her eyes.  

"And I know that. You are non build for the life I live and I non longer gonna feel guilty about that Melissa." I finished. 

"I know and I'm sorry Larry," she whispered as she continued to cry. Usually by just a drop of a tear from her eyes was all I needed in order for my heart to ache for hers and would have lead to me scooping her in my arms and making passionate love to her as an attempt to calm her. But unfortunately I had done this tap dance too many times before with Melissa and I has grown too tired of the song it played to dance anymore. Besides my heart was too busy at worrying and aching for someone else's heart and tears. Though my body and half of my mind were here with Melissa, My heart and the other half of my mind were with the woman I craved for so bad at this very moment. 

Truce POV 

"I'm sorry."  

"Lau what are you doing," I whimpered while trying to catch my breath. My heart was shattering once again in a very painful and familiar way. My head was starting to spin just thinking about the current situation I was in here with Lau and whatever romantic situation Larry could have been caught up in with Melissa. I had to get out of here and as much as I would never want to hurt my Nala again, or  have her hate me it; I knew I had to do something fast in order to escape this nightmare. 

I had made up my mind and vowed to leave Paris tonight; While also vowing never, ever, to see nor talk to the twins again.

Especially Larry.

Hey, guys, just a teaser. Trust me I wanted to release more but it not done yet. Almost I promise. However, I really hope I didn't offend anyone in the LT fandom with the written conversation between Larry and Melissa. As I stated before, I like to make this book as real as possible and so I wrote what I thought an argument between them two might sound like. I try to throw myself into the characters minds and answer all of my what ifs and hopefully my readers too.  

Like example, what if I were there to witness one of their arguments and what would it sound like? LOL yeah, I weird I know LOL. Well, again my apologies if I did and I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic as must as I do seeing it come out of my head and written. Guys, your feedback has been so amazing lately, thank you so much. It's both encouraging and Motivating. Love, love, love, Larrysjoy23. A.K.A Dina.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now